Leisure Centres and locations
General centre information
- What are the opening times for my leisure centre?
- How do I get directions to my leisure centre?
- Locker Availability and Access
- Where is my nearest leisure centre?
- How do I find out if a leisure centre has parking?
- Where can I find activity prices for the leisure centre?
- Do leisure centres have a bike store or bike racks?
- What outdoor activities are available?
- Do you hold onto lost property?
- How do I give feedback on a Better leisure centre?
- How old does a child need to be visit the centre on their own?
Using the gym
Using the swimming pool
- What is the difference between Swim for All and Swim for Fitness sessions?
- What rules do I need to know before attending the swimming pool?
- Can I bring my child for a swim?
- Is the pool safe, what do you do to ensure the water is clean?
- Can I use swimming aids or equipment? Can I buy goggles or swimwear?
- Will the disability hoist or pool pod be available?
- Can I move between lanes during a session?
- What swimwear can I wear in the swimming pool?
- Do I need to book a slot to use the swimming pool?