By working together we believe we can create more powerful partnerships and outcomes.
Through collaboration we can increase participation, tackle inequality and help people lead healthier, happier lives.
We’ve joined forces with NHS England to reflect an important NHS reminder on mirrors in over 240 gyms and leisure centres and 76 libraries in England. The stickers will feature the message 'Check You Out' urging people to look out for the potential signs of cancer, to ‘Be Body Aware’, and ‘Know What’s Normal’, for them.
The scheme is the latest push by the NHS to find cancers at an earlier stage and is the first time the NHS has partnered with a leisure operator in this way - joining several other partners, such as supermarkets and washroom hygiene specialists, to highlight cancer messages to the public in relevant everyday situations.
In a survey of more than 2,000 people, we found that only 55% of respondents check their bodies for physical changes regularly (at least once a month), and one in ten (12%) don’t check at all.

“I would advise other people to know what’s normal for your own body and get yourself checked if something doesn’t seem right. Get a second opinion if necessary and don’t be afraid to keep chasing doctors so that you get answers in a timely manner.”
“I would advise other people going through cancer treatment to stay positive. Eat well and go out and talk to people. If someone makes a fuss about what you’re going through and makes you feel bad, just ignore them!”


We partnered with Diabetes UK, to support two of the charity’s fundraising initiatives – Swim22 and the One Million Step challenge – by helping to raise awareness, encourage participation and improve the health and fitness of those taking part.
Research from GOSH shows that regular physical activity can boost self-esteem, mood and sleep quality. However modern lifestyles and an increasing reliance on technology, mean that children and young people as less active than ever.
We offered subscribers to The Mix aged over 16yrs a FREE four-month membership to our leisure facilities, with the aim of ensuring that cost is not a barrier to exercise.
By working together, we hope to encourage more young people who are facing mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety or depression to embrace exercise as a tool with which to manage these pressures.

Founded in 2015, Change Please is an award-winning social enterprise tackling homelessness through the power of social enterprise and great tasting coffee.
Providing coffee for all of GLL’s cafés with 100% of our profits help people experiencing homelessness through our Barista Training Programme. We train people experiencing homelessness to become baristas and support them with everything they need to turn their lives around – a living wage job, support with housing, therapy, bank account and onward employment opportunities.

We’ve joined forces with NHS England to reflect an important NHS reminder on mirrors in over 240 gyms and leisure centres and 76 libraries in England. The stickers will feature the message 'Check You Out' urging people to look out for the potential signs of cancer, to ‘Be Body Aware’, and ‘Know What’s Normal’, for them.
The scheme is the latest push by the NHS to find cancers at an earlier stage and is the first time the NHS has partnered with a leisure operator in this way - joining several other partners, such as supermarkets and washroom hygiene specialists, to highlight cancer messages to the public in relevant everyday situations.
In a survey of more than 2,000 people, we found that only 55% of respondents check their bodies for physical changes regularly (at least once a month), and one in ten (12%) don’t check at all.