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Mae Canolfannau Hamdden Caerdydd yn cynnig rhaglen Dysgu Nofio cynhwysfawr i blant ac oedolion gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Chymdeithas Nofio Cymru (Swim Wales) ac mae gwersi yn dilyn Fframwaith Dysgu Nofio Cymru. Caiff pob gwers a gweithgaredd dŵr eu cynnal gan Athrawon/Hyfforddwyr hollol gymwys ar Lefel 2 y Gymdeithas Nofio Amatur (ASA) ac sydd hefyd wedi eu gwirio gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.
Dysgwch Nofio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg
Mae Better Caerdydd yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Urdd Cymru i gynnig y Cynllun Dysgu Nofio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Mae ein rhaglen Dysgu Nofio wedi ei gynllunio fel bod pob disgybl yn cael ei asesu’n barhaus drwy gydol y cynllun, mewn amgylchedd diogel a hwyliog. Mae’r fframwaith yn caniatau i ddisgyblion weithio tuag at ennill bathodynnau a thystysgrifau fel cydnabyddiaeth o’u cyrhaeddiad.
Noder: Rhaid i ddisgyblion basio pob elfen ym mhob Ton i safon dderbyniol er mwyn mynd ymlaen i’r dosbarth nesaf.
Mae Fframwaith Dysgu Nofio Cymru wedi ei lunio gan Gorff Llywodraethu Nofio yng Nghymru, ‘Nofio Cymru’ mewn cydweithrediad â Chwaraeon Cymru a gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru a’r weledigaeth i blant fwynhau nofio a gweithgareddau eraill ar y dŵr weddill eu bywydau. Mae’r fframwaith wedi ei gynllunio drwy gyfrwng ymgynghoriad helaeth gan arbenigwyr yn y diwydiant addysg a dŵr. Mae egwyddorion sylfaenol dysgu plant i nofio yn aros yn ddigyfnewid ac mae’r fframwaith yn hyrwyddo’r defnydd o ‘ddysgu drwy chwarae’. Mae hyn wedi ei ganfod drwy ymchwil addysgol i fod y dull mwyaf effeithiol lle bydd plant yn dysgu ac athrawon yn cael eu hannog i ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau, gemau, gweithgareddau a sefyllfaoedd eraill i gyflawni’r canlyniadau.
Dosbarthiadau Cynllun Dysgu Nofio i Blant
Oedolyn a Babi/Plentyn. Mae nifer o’n pyllau nofio yn cynnal dosbarthiadau nofio Oedolyn a Babi/Plentyn sydd un ai yn sesiynau ‘galw heibio’ neu’n gyrsiau y gellir cadw lle arnynt yn ystod y Tymor. Mae’r dosbarthiadau hyn ar gyfer babis sydd o leia’n 6 mis oed, babanod a phlant cyn-ysgol GYDAG oedolyn yn y dŵr. Nod y sesiynau yw dangos sut i fynd â’ch plentyn i’r dŵr yn ddiogel, gan roi hyder iddynt gyda’ch plentyn mewn amgylchedd pwll trwy gyfrwng gweithgareddau dŵr
Mae ein Cynllun Dysgu Nofio yn dechrau ar y lefel sylfaen lle caiff plant ifanc eu hannog i ddatblygu eu hyder yn y dŵr yn eu blynyddoedd cynnar trwy gyflwyniad i amgylchedd y wers nofio. Mae’r sesiynau Cyn-Ysgol hyn yn benodol ar gyfer plant 3 oed a’r pwyslais yn y gwersi hyn yw cyflwyno sgiliau symud syml iawn yn y dŵr trwy gyfrwng gemau a hwyl dan arweiniad athro a dysgu i nofio heb gynhaliaeth rhiant/gofalwr yn y dŵr.
Dosbarthiadau Un i Un
I’w archebu yn uniongyrchol gyda’r ganolfan.
Gwybodaeth Clwb Treiathlon Iau Caerdydd
Ar gyfer oedrannau 8 – 16
Angen bod yn ton 5 (gallu nofio hyd ac yn gallu nofio ar eu bol ac ar eu cefn)
Sesiynau pellach isod.
Ton 1 i 6 (Cam Sgiliau Symud Syml)
Mae rhaglen Ton yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu’r pedwar dull nofio ac nid ar y pellter y gellir ei gyflawni. Mae’r pwyslais ar ddysgu drwy gemau a gweithgareddau hwyliog, sydd wedi ei brofi fel y dull mwyaf effeithiol i blant ddysgu nofio.
Mae’r gwersi hefyd yn cyflwyno diogelwch dŵr i’r plant ac yn cynnig rhagflas o ddisgyblaethau dŵr eraill.
Noder; rhaid i blant fod dros 4 oed i gofrestru ar y cwrs a
30 munud yw hyd y gwersi.
Dosbarthiadau Eraill i Blant: Mae rhain ar gyfer 7+ oed ac yn dilyn y fframwaith arferol.

Ton Un
• Datblygu hyder plentyn yn y dŵr trwy sgiliau symud syml
• Aros yn ddiogel tra’n y dŵr, ac wrth fynd i mewn ac allan o’r pwll
• Dysgu technegau arnofio, sgwlio ac anadlu elfennol
• Dechrau dysgu sgiliau dull rhydd, dull cefn, dull broga a phili pala gyda chymorth cyfarpar arnofio os oes angen
Ton Dau
• Bod yn gallu mynd i mewn ac allan o’r pwll yn ddiogel heb ddefnyddio’r grisiau na chymorth
• Gwella technegau sgwlio, arnofio ac anadlu
• Gleidio ag osgo llyfn
• Nofio pellteroedd bach (5 metr) yn y dull rhydd, dull cefn, dull broga a phili pala heb gymorth cyfarpar arnofio
Ton Tri
• Casglu gwrthrych o waelod y pwll drwy suddo’n llwyr o dan y dŵr
• Gwella ac adeiladau ar y sgiliau sgwlio ac arnofio
• Dysgu sut i nofio yn yr unfan am gyfnod byr (15 eiliad)
• Dysgu’r Cod Diogelwch Dŵr
• Nofio pellteroedd byr (10 metr) dull rhydd a dull cefn a (5 metr) dull broga a phili pala

Ton Pedwar
• Dysgu sut mae gwneud cic dolffin o dan y dŵr
• Dysgu’r safle HELP*
• Gwella technegau arnofio a nofio’n yr unfan am gyfnodau hwy o amser (30 eiliad)
• Gwella’r dechneg a nofio pellteroedd byr (10 metr) gan ddefnyddio’r pedwar dull gan ddilyn rheolau FINA**

Ton Pump
• Dysgwch sut mae gwneud trosben am ymlaen a sefyll ar eich dwylo yn y dŵr
• Gwella technegau sgwlio a goroesi personol
• Nofio ymhellach (15 metr) gyda’r dull rhydd a dull cefn a (10 metr) dull broga a phili pala gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
• Nofio hyd y pwll (20 neu 25 metr) yn defnyddio unrhyw un o’r pedwar dull
Ton Chwech
• Dysgu sut i gynhesu’n gywir cyn ymarfer a pham
• Dysgu sut i wneud trosben am yn ôl a phlymio pen yn gyntaf i wyneb y dŵr
• Gwella sgiliau goroesi personol, gan gynnwys nofio 20 i 25 metr a nofio yn yr unfan gyda’ch dillad ymlaen
• Nofio ymhellach (20 neu 25 metr) drwy’r dull rhydd a dull cefn a (15 metr) dull broga a phili pala i gynnwys gwthio’n gywir i ddechrau o dan y dŵr a gleidio gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
Ton Saith (mynediad clwb cyn-cystadlu)
- Gwella sgiliau arnofio, sgwlio, nofio’n yr unfan a throelli
- Nofio ymhellach (20 neu 25 metr) gan ddefnyddio’r pedwar dull a nofio Medli Unigol 100 metr (25 metr i bob dull) gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
- Nofio am 200 metr yn ddi-dor gan ddefnyddio tri dull gwahanol gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
- Nofio fel rhan o dîm mewn ras gyfnewid
*FINA yw corff llywodraethu rhyngwladol nofio, plymio, polo dŵr, nofio cydamserol a nofio mewn dŵr agored.
Ton Ieuenctid 7 a throsodd (i blant 11-16 oed)
Sgiliau Nofio Uwch Un, Dau a Thri (clwb cyn cystadlu)
- Datblygu pontio tanddwr i’r pedwar dull gan ddefnyddio cic dolffin lle bo’n briodol i’r dull gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
- Datblygu techneg troi ar gyfer y pedwar dull
- Datblygu techneg dull dros bellteroedd hwy (100 metr +) gan arddangos tro cywir, nofio dan y dŵr a chwpla cywir hefyd
- Datblygu sgiliau a driliau, technegau cicio a thynnu
- Cwblhau Medli Unigol gan ddilyn rheolau FINA*
Efallai y carai plant sy’n cyrraedd safon Ton 7 neu Sgiliau Nofio Uwch Un fynychu treial gyda Chlwb Nofio Dinas Caerdydd, sy’n glwb nofio cystadleuol ac yn glwb cysylltiol i Gorff Llywodraethu Nofio yng Nghymru ‘Nofio Cymru’. Am fwy o wybodaeth am ‘Nofio Cymru’ neu am fwy o wybodaeth am Glwb Nofio Dinas Caerdydd a mynychu treial ar gyfer y clwb, darganfyddwch fwy yma Swim Wales neu Cardiff swimming
Dod o hyd i bwll nofio yn agos atoch chi
Achubwyr Bywyd Newydd RLSS (8 oed +)
Mae Achubwyr Bywyd Newydd yn rhan o Fframwaith Pasbort Dŵr, a rhaglen achubwyr bywyd newydd Caerdydd yw cynllun gwobrwyo iau yr RLSS yn y DU. I’r rhan fwyaf o blant yr Achubwyr Bywyd Newydd fydd eu cyfle cyntaf i archwilio diogelwch dŵr a chwarae amgen diogel yn y dŵr. Mae dysgu sgiliau achubwyr bywyd newydd yn gwneud plant yn ymwybodol o sut I ofalu yn well amdanynt eu hunain, eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau, a rhoi’r wybodaeth iddynt i hyrwyddo diogelwch dŵr yn eu gweithgareddau o ddydd i ddydd.
Mae’r wobr yn cynnwys elfennau goroesi, achub a sgiliau chwaraeon yn ogystal ag Achub Bywyd a.
diogelwch dŵr. Mae’r Achubwyr Bywyd newydd wedi ei anelu at blant 8 – 12 oed ac yn dechrau gyda Cam 1 y Wobr Efydd ac ymlaen wedyn at Gam 3 y Wobr Aur.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i

Dysgu Nofio i Oedolion
Mae ein rhaglen dysgu nofio i oedolion yn cynnig cyfle cyffrous i chi ddod dros eich ofn ar ddŵr a rhoi cynnig ar sgil bywyd newydd, yn ogystal â gadael i nofwyr sy’n fwy cymwys i ddatblygu techneg eu dulliau a dysgu sgiliau newydd. Mae nofio yn gamp traw-effaith isel sy’n hygyrch i bawb, waeth beth eich gallu. Mae ystod o ddosbarthiadau gennym ar gyfer pawb, gan ganiatáu i bob oedolyn gymryd rhan yn ein gwersi nofio. Bydd ein hyfforddwyr cymwys yn eich arwain drwy gyfres o dasgau a dulliau sy’n eich gweddu’n unigol.

Nod y gwersi hyn yw eich cyflwyno i ddulliau elfennol a symud drwy’r dŵr. Bydd yr hyfforddwr yn gweithio drwy ystod o ddulliau a sgiliau gyda chi yn unol â’ch gallu.

Gwersi gwella
Bydd y wers hon yn gwella techneg eich strôc a’ch galluogi i fod yn fwy llyfn yn y dŵr. Drwy ganolbwyntio ar dechneg strôc, byddwch yn dod yn fwy llyfn yn y dŵr, gan eich galluogi i nofio pellteroedd hwy, gan ddefnyddio llai o egni.
Mae *HELP yn sgil goroesi personol tra’n arnofio mewn dŵr oer ac yn lleihau effeithiau hypothermia.
**FINA yw corff llywodraethu rhyngwladol nofio, plymio, polo dŵr, nofio cydamserol a nofio dŵr agored.
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Cardiff’s Leisure Centres offer a comprehensive Learn to Swim programme for both children and adults working in partnership with the Welsh Swimming Association (Swim Wales) and lessons follow the Welsh Learn to Swim Framework. All swimming lessons and aquatic based activities are taken by fully qualified Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) Level 2 Teachers/Coaches who also hold an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
Learn To Swim via the Medium of Welsh
Better Cardiff works in partnership with Urdd Cymru to provide the Learn To Swim Scheme via the medium of Welsh.
Our Learn to Swim programme is designed so all pupils are continually assessed throughout the scheme, in a safe and fun environment. The framework allows pupils to work towards gaining badges and certificates in recognition of their achievements.
Please note: Pupils are required to pass all the elements in each Wave to the recommended standards in order to progress to the next class.
The Welsh Learn to Swim Framework has been devised by the National Governing Body of Swimming in Wales ‘Swim Wales’ in association with Sport Wales and supported by the Welsh Government with the vision for children to enjoy swimming and other water-based activities for the rest of their lives. The framework has been designed through extensive consultation by experts in the aquatic and education industry. The basic principles of teaching children to swim remain unchanged and the framework promotes the use of the ‘learning through play’. This has been found through educational research, to be the most effective method by which children learn and teachers are encouraged to utilise a variety of methods, games, activities and scenarios to achieve the outcomes.
Children’s Learn to Swim Scheme Classes
Adult & Baby/ChildA number of our swimming pools run Adult & Baby/Child swimming classes these are either specific 'drop in' sessions or Term Time bookable courses. These classes are intended for babies aged at least 6 months, toddlers and pre-school children WITH an adult in the water. The sessions aim to show adults how to take their child into water safely, giving them the confidence in handling a young child in a pool environment through fun water activities.
Pre School
Our junior Learn to Swim Scheme starts at a foundation level where young children are encourage to develop confidence in the water in their early years through an introduction to the swimming lesson environment. These Pre-School sessions and are specifically for children 3 years old and the emphasis in these lessons is to introduce very basic motor skills in the water through teacher lead games and fun and learning to swim without parental/guardian support in the water.
One to One Classes
Bookable directly with the centre.
Cardiff Junior Triathlon Club Information
For ages 8+ -16years.
Need to be wave 5 (must be able to swim a length and swim on their front and back).
Further sessions below.
Wave 1 to 6 (Fundamental Movement Skills Phase)
The Wave programme focuses on the development of all four swimming strokes and not on a distance that can be achieved. The emphasis is very much on learning through the use of games and fun activities, which has been proven to be the most effective way for children to learn to swim.
These lessons also introduce children to water safety and offer a taster to other aquatic disciplines.
Please note: Children must be 4 years plus to enrol on the course and lessons are 30 minutes in duration.
Older Children’s Classes: These are for 7 years + and follows the normal framework.

Wave One
• Develop a child’s confidence in the water through basic movement skills
• Be safe while in the water, and when getting in and out of the pool
• Learn basic floating, sculling and breathing techniques
• Start to learn the skills for front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with flotation aids if needed
Wave Two
• Be able to enter and exit the pool safely without the use of steps and support
• Improve sculling, floating and breathing techniques
• Glide in the streamlined position
• Swim short distances (5 metres) of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, without floatation aids
Wave Three
• Collect an object from the pool floor by submerging fully under water
• Improve and build upon sculling and floating techniques
• Learn how to tread water for a short period of time (15 seconds)
• Learn the Water Safety Code
• Swim short distances (10 metres) on front crawl and backstroke and (5 metres) on breaststroke and butterfly

Wave Four
• Learn how to do dolphin kicks underwater
• Learn the HELP* position
• Improve floating and treading water techniques for longer periods of time (30 seconds)
• Improve the technique and swim short distances (10 metres) on all four strokes following FINA** rules

Wave Five
• Learn how to do a forward somersault and a handstand in the water
• Improve sculling and personal survival techniques
• Swim longer distances (15 metres) on front crawl and backstroke and (10 metres) on breaststroke and butterfly following FINA* rules
• Swim a length of the pool (20 or 25 metres) on one of the four strokes
Wave Six
• Learn how to warm-up properly for exercise and why
• Learn how to do a backward somersault and head first surface dive
• Improve personal survival techniques, including swimming 20 or 25 metres and treading water with clothes on
• Swim longer distances (20 or 25 metres) on front crawl and backstroke and (15 metres) on breaststroke and butterfly to include correct underwater push offs and glides following FINA* rules
Wave Seven (pre-competition club entry)
- Improve floating, sculling, treading water and rotation skills
- Swim longer distances (20 or 25 metres) in all four strokes and swim a 100 metre Individual Medley (25 metres on each stroke) following FINA* rules
- Swim 200 metres continuously using three different strokes following FINA* rules
- Swim as part of a team in a relay race
*FINA is the international governing body of swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and open water swimming.
YouthWave 7 plus (for children aged 11 to 16 years)
Advanced Swim Skills One, Two & Three (pre-competition club)
- Develop underwater transitions into all four strokes using underwater dolphin kicks, where appropriate to the stroke following FINA* rules
- Develop turn technique on all four strokes
- Develop stroke technique over longer distances (100 metres plus) demonstrating correct turn, underwater and finishes
- Develop skills and drills, kicking and pulling techniques
- Perform an Individual Medley following FINA* rules
Children who achieve Wave 7 or Advance Swim Skills One may like to attend a trial to City of Cardiff Swimming Club, which is a competitive swimming club and affiliated to the National Governing Body of Swimming in Wales ‘Swim Wales’ for further information on Swim Wales or for further information regarding City of Cardiff Swimming Club and attending a trial for the club. Find out more at Swim Wales or Cardiff swimming
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RLSS Rookies Lifeguard (8yrs plus)
Rookie Lifeguards is part of the Aqua Passport Framework and Cardiff’s Rookie Lifeguard programme is the junior award scheme of the RLSS UK. For most children Rookies will be the first opportunity to explore water safety and alternative safe aquatic play. Learning Rookie skills make children aware of how to take better care of themselves, their family and friends, and give them the information they need to promote water safety in their day-to-day activities. The awards contain survival, rescue and sports skills as well as Life Support and water safety elements. Rookie Lifeguard is aimed at children aged 8 - 12 years and starts with Stage 1 of the Bronze Award and progressing through to Stage 3 of the Gold Award.
For further information visit

Adult Learn to Swim
Our Adult Learn to Swim Programme offers an exciting chance for you to overcome your fear of water and embark on a new life skill, as well as allowing swimmers that are more competent the opportunity to develop their stroke technique and learn new skills. Swimming is a low impact sport and is accessible to all, whatever your ability. We have a range of classes to suit every need, allowing every adult the opportunity to participate in our swimming lessons. Our qualified instructors will guide you through a series of tasks and strokes tailored to your individual needs.

These lessons are designed to introduce you to basic stokes and movement through the water. The instructor will work through a range of strokes and skills according to your ability.

This lesson will help refine stroke technique and allow you become more fluent in the water. By concentrating on stroke technique, you will become more efficient through the water, allowing you to swim longer distances, using less energy.
*HELP is a personal survival skill whilst floating in cold water and lessens the effects of hypothermia
**FINA is the international governing body of swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and open water swimming