Lincolnshire Libraries

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Mobile Libraries

If you can't find a library near you above, our libraries on wheels may stop somewhere near by! 

Carrying a range of titles in multiple formats, our Mobile Library service visits rural locations across the county on a monthly basis. 

To find out more and locate a stop near you
Find a Mobile Library

Better libraries are part of GLL, a charitable social enterprise. Your library membership can make a difference.

Find out more

Catalogues and collections

From online journals and audiobooks to non-fiction texts and ancestry services, our range of catalogues and collections are just waiting to be discovered. 

Workspaces and facilities

Find a workspace in Lincolnshire and explore other facilities like room hire services and printer and computer facilities in a library near you.

Community support

From financial advice to career guidance, we offer a range of community support services across our libraries in your area.

Learning and research

Check out the research materials and skills and development courses on offer at your local library in Lincolnshire. 

Online resources

Access online resources available to Lincolnshire Library members. Find e-books, digital newspapers and more.

Facilities for people with disabilities

Wheelchair ramps and lift access

Books in Braille

Why Lincolnshire?

Ready to become part of our wonderful community? Find out what our members love about their local libraries.
"My two children have been visiting libraries since they were born, no matter where we have lived in Lincolnshire.  No matter which library I have used they have always been a friendly, warm and clean environment.  My children have a fantastic love of books which is down to the library services offering a vast range of books no matter what your interest.  I have even managed to get my parents to join this is a vital service for communities, so thank you, to all who keep this service going."


Proud to partner with Lincolnshire County Council

We’re proud to work with Lincolnshire County Council to operate 14 libraries across the region. 

By partnering with Lincolnshire County Council, we’re able to provide facilities and services that benefit the whole community. From learning and research tools to kids’ arts and craft clubs and coffee mornings, find what you’re looking for at your local library. 
Learn more