Delta Tennis Court Hire

Tennis court space is available to book out for personal use to members or non-members. Bookings operate on an hourly basis from the start of every hour. At Delta Tennis Centre we offer 4 indoor courts and 3 outdoor courts 2 of which are floodlit.


Junior lessons

We offer a wide range of Junior Tennis Course for all juniors aged between 2-16 years old. All courses are run by LTA accredited coaches who will work with juniors to develop their skills and understanding of the sport. Courses are designed to be fun and engaging, but also giving the juniors a safe and controlled environment to practice their skills which have been learnt from their coaches.

Whether juniors have participated in tennis before, or if they are completely new to the sport we have something to offer everyone.



Mini Tennis Red: Mini tennis red is for players aged 8 and under. During this stage they will learn the fundamentals of tennis whilst playing on a smaller court with smaller rackets and softer balls. This allows them to develop key skills such as forehands and backhands whilst being able to rally with the coaches and their peers. 

Mini Tennis Orange: Mini Tennis orange is for players aged 8 and 9. Mini tennis orange is a great way for players to progress from mini tennis red. During this stage they will again be playing with smaller rackets and softer balls. The court will be bigger than red stage but still not full sized. Mini tennis orange allows juniors to develop a more rounded game and start learning basic tactics before progressing onto a full size court.

Mini Tennis Green: Mini tennis green is for juniors aged 9 and 10.Mini Tennis Green is played on a full size court with bigger rackets but the balls are still slightly softer then normal yellow balls. During Mini tennis green our LTA qualified coaches will start developing all aspects of their game on the full sized courts.

Yellow Ball Tennis: Players who are at this stage of their tennis pathway will be playing on full size courts with adult sized rackets as well as full yellow tennis balls. At this age the emphasis on tactical and technical development around match related skills.





Adult lessons

Adults Tennis Courses are available to book at Delta Tennis Centre. Our sessions are split into 3 groups to ensure every one is around the same standard and can improve together and then begin to move up when showing improvement and ability.

Our adult session times are: 

Adult beginners:Tuesday 1800-1900

Adult intermediates:Thursday 1800-1900

Adult Advanced:Thursday 1900-2000



Adult Social Tennis Sessions

We offer a selection of adult social tennis sessions across the week giving adults the opportunity to hit with other adult players.  

We offer over several recreational sessions that include mens, womans, mixed.

The times of the social sessions are: 10:00-12:00 Monday's and Wednesday's and 12:00-14:00 Friday's.

All these sessions take place on our 4 indoor courts all year round. All sessions will have teas and coffee provided included in the price of the session 



Individual Coaching

Here at Delta Tennis Centre we have a enthusiastic coaching team dedicated to developing players of all ages and abilities. We offer 1 on 1 coaching sessions throughout the week to help you enhance your game. During these sessions you will get in depth coaching tailored to your games needs.  

To enquire about individual coached lessons contact our reception team by email on, who will start the process of getting you in contact with our coaching team.

Inclusive Tennis sessions

We run an inclusive session for all ages on a Wednesday afternoon from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. No booking is required, just turn up on the day and pay at the front desk.

We also host a Down's Syndrome tennis session on Tuesdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm.

For more information on either of these sessions, please get in touch by emailing .

Restringing Service

Here at Delta Tennis Centre our tennis manager does a restringing service. to enquire email

You can choose from a selection of strings or use your own strings youve brought. grips are also available upon request. 

LTA Venue Minimum Standards

Our Safeguarding Code of Conduct covers the supervision and care of children and young people. This sets out the behaviours and good practice required of all staff and others working on GLL premises.

We are proud to promote the British Tennis Safeguarding Policy Standards, Code of Behaviour and Reporting Procedures that demostrates our commitment to safeguard children and adults at risk.

Safeguarding policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Safeguarding Policy Statement

LADO Contact Details


The above policies are reviewed annually and updated as advised by the GLL National Safeguarding team. 

GLL work alongside the Lawn Tennis Association to ensure all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have enjoyable tennis experirence.  

Everyone who is involved in tennis has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young perople and adults at risk. 

The LTA Lead Safeguarding Officer is David Humphrey who can be contacted at

For more information on our commmitments or on LTA minimum standards at Delta Tennis Centre please contact our Tennis Welfare Officer.