Active Reality
Here at Newcastle Trampoline Park we have partnered with Active Reality to offer an exciting and fully immersive virtual reality experience for players aged 9 and above (anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult). From conquering pirate treasures of the past to manic cooking challenges to zombie shooters; using the lightweight headsets, our dedicated virtual reality space is fun for all. From birthday parties to team days or simply just having fun with friends.
Contact Active Reality direct for more details and to make a booking.
Party room and food package not included. Sold sperately, please coantct the centre at newcastle.trampolinegym@gll.org

Opened in 2008; Soccerworld Newcastle boasts nine floodlit fully enclosed 4G pitches designed for non-stop action.
There are seven 5-a-side pitches and two 7-a-side pitches.
The centre offers a variety of leagues, coaching classes, regular bookings and kid’s birthday parties.
They also have a bar, which is available for events or special occassions.

Awsometistic is an organisation that helps others who have autism.
They have a growing success and presence in the region and part of that is working in partnerhsip with us to bring families together in a group session on Wednesday's 6pm-8pm
It's a dual use sessions, inclduing Soft Play and Trampolines for £8.00 per person, Specifically targeted to families with autistic family members.
For more informaiton or to book spaces through Awsometistic:

Newcastle City Council
Of all our partners, we work most closely with Newcastle city council.
On behalf of the council we are operating all of our Better leisure centre's in Newcastle until 2035.
We work closely to help deliver health and fitness across the city.
More locally we closley with our partners at Westagte community college.
Westgate College is Newcastle City Learning's main venue for both public courses and for staff. As well as their full course offer, they run the Access to HE Diploma programme from there. They also have a fully equipped teaching kitchen.

Westgate Juniors Football Club
Westgate Juniors Football Club was founded in 2006 with the support of the Hat-trick project after successfully hosting a mini world cup festival with local schools.
In 2007 the club was awarded the FA Charter Standard Award and then the Charter Standard Development Club mark in 2011.
They work in partnership with us as their home ground and training venue.
They are a very inclusive club, with teams from U8's to adult, starting with a Development group 17.30-18.30 every Friday for players aged 5 to 8, of all abilities.