Take advantage of the great outdoors by trying windsurfing. Using your body weight to push or pull a sailboard in the right direction, this popular activity has a number of benefits, including:
- Mental benefits - get a wellbeing boost by being outside on the water, just don't remember to wear sunscreen!
- Core strengthening - not only will balancing on the board work your core muscles, but you'll also use your entire body to manoeuvre the sails while engaging your core to keep you upright
- Cardio - windsurfing is a great workout which will keep your heart pumping the blood around your body
- Burn calories - as an adrenaline-pumped activity, you'll burn a huge number of calories battling the wind and waves
- Doesn't feel like exercise - windsurfing is an exciting and exhilarating sport that more often than not, doesn't feel like exercise

Saturday Morning 9am - 12am
Ages: 6-18
Open club with no membership fees just pay as you go £10 session. All equipment and tuition included with qualified RYA Instructors.
Saturday Afternoon 1pm - 4pm
Ages: 6+
Open club with no membership fees just pay as you go £10 session. All equipment and tuition included with qualified RYA Instructors.
Minimum Requirement: RYA Start Winsurfing / Experience

Community Water Activities
Thursday Nights 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 6+
Open session with no membership fees just pay as you go £10 a session. All equipment and tuition included. Activities available: Dinghy Sailing (Dinghy Level 1 Required), Kayaking, Canoeing, Windsurfing (Start windsurfing or experience required) & Stand-up Paddling.
Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our team of qualified instructors will help you enjoy and master this exhilarating sport. At Debdale Outdoor Centre, we offer Royal Yachting Association (RYA) tuition and the following RYA Windsurf courses:
- Adult Start Windsurfing
- Adult Intermediate Windsurfing (non-planing)
- Youth Windsurfing Stages 1, 2 & 3
- Windsurf Start Racing