Donations for Children’s Book Project
We have an exciting update for you on our support for the Children’s Book Project. Thanks to kind staff, generous customers, and thoughtful residents on 24th March we donated 550 books to the cause. We will continue collecting children books all year round in the foyer.
Can you please help us with our book collection for children from deprived areas in London?
One in three disadvantaged children across the UK have fewer than ten books of their own at home, and one in ten has none.
The drop-off point is in reception, so it is easy to help, just bring in a good condition book or books for a primary school aged child. We are doing this in partnership with the Children's Book Project and encourage anyone to contribute.
Just to note, religious books or educational ones cannot be accepted.
The Children's Book Project explain the power of a book.
“Book ownership has been directly linked with improved mental health amongst children and a greater propensity to read for pleasure, whilst reading fluency itself has a significant impact on children’s successful progression through education. By age eleven, there is a 12-month language development gap between children from book rich homes books and those with fewer than ten books. Our aim is to tackle the attainment gap arising from low book ownership. We want every child to feel part of their reading community and to identify with books that they have enjoyed.”
Our aim of trying to contribute books for this project supports our company values that customers and communities are at our heart. We know you care about others, and we want to give you a place to help. As so many growing families use our centre, we hope this scheme is easy to support.
If you don't have children's books but want to help brand new donated books are even better.
To address the inequality in London, Children's Book Project are trying to collect over 300,000 books across their partners but as there is only one other collection point in Waltham Forest, we hope this helps more of London contribute to this worthy cause.
Need more reasons? It is environmentally friendly and frees up space in your home if the books are no longer needed.
Thanks for your ongoing support.