Morden Leisure Centre and London Boorugh of Merton partner to try and ensure that Merton is the 'Borough for Sport'.
The London Boroughof Merton are supporting Better to try and provide other activities for the community to stay active and healthy.
Boules is now available to be played outside on the grass outside Morden Leisure Centre.
A set of boules can be borrowed from the Centre for a £10 returnable deposit at the Concierge Counter.
Boules is great fun activity for friends and family of all ages. It is a fun and exciting way to spend
time outdoors and also get some light exercise. So why not head down to Morden Leisure Centre
and give it a try?
Please be aware that you don’t need to book, just turn up and play.

More information on boules below.
- Objective:
The goal of boules is to throw or roll heavy balls (called boules) as closely as possible to a smaller
target ball (called the jack or cochonnet).
- Equipment:
You’ll need a set of boules (usually metallic balls) and a small wooden or plastic jack.
A flat playing surface, such as a gravel court or grassy area, is ideal.
- Teams:
Boules can be played between two players or teams.
Each player or team has a set of boules.
- Setup:
Divide players into teams and distribute the boules evenly.
Draw a circle (the throwing circle) on the ground. Players must throw from within this circle.
Flip a coin to determine which team goes first.
The first player or team throws the jack from the circle. The jack serves as the target.
Teams take turns throwing their boules toward the jack.
The objective is to land the boules as close to the jack as possible.
Players can aim to hit the jack or position their boules strategically.
After all boules are thrown, the team with the boule closest to the jack scores points.
Only the team with the closest boule scores points in a round.
The winning team starts the next round.
The game continues until a team reaches a predetermined point total (often 15 points).
Some variations allow for exceptions, such as additional points for hitting the jack or specific boule
- Etiquette and Traditions:
Players must keep both feet on the ground when throwing boules.
The team that wins a round gets to throw the jack in the next round.
Remember, boules is a social and enjoyable game, played outdoors. Have fun rolling those boules!