PARS introduce individuals to the benefits of regular exercise and an active lifestyle to manage and improve existing medical conditions and prevent the development of related comorbidities. Our 12 week health programme aims to encourage people of all abilities to become and remain more physically active, replace unhealthy habits with healthier ones, and develop their confidence, knowledge, and skills to improve their health and wellbeing.
The Healthwise Team’s mission is to support individuals on their journey to a better quality of life by providing them with the most suitable exercise and nutritional recommendations.
All physical activity programmes are based upon participants’ preferences, medical condition(s), activity levels and fitness goals. Our Healthwise Instructors monitor progress and adjust physical activity programmes accordingly ensuring participants exercise safely and are on track to reach their goals. Healthwise is currently being delivered at:
- Hammersmith Fitness and Squash Centre
- Lillie Road Fitness Centre
- Phoenix Fitness Centre and Janet Adegoke Swimming Pool