Junior Gym
Junior gym is a dedicated session for children between 11 and 17 years old. All sessions are supervised, with a member of the Fitness team present, to ensure they are working out safely. or can be booked on a pay-as-you-go basis. All juniors are required to attend Junior Gym Induction before their first session.
Term Time Sessions
Monday-Friday 12:00pm-2:00pm & 3.30pm-5.30pm
Saturday 11:00am-2:00pm
Sunday 12:00noon-4:00pm
Holiday Sessions
Monday-Friday 10:00am-2:00pm & 3.30-pm-5.30pm
Saturday 11:00am-3:00pm
Sunday 12:00noon-4:00pm

Junior Gym Induction
All juniors are required to book and attend a junior gym induction before attending the first junior gym sessions. Junior inductions are conducted by our level 2 qualified Fitness Instructors in small groups of no more than five people and are 30 minutes long. During the inductions, our Instructors will go over all health & safety information about the gym, explain the gym etiquette, demonstrate the equipment that juniors are allowed to use during the sessions, and show how to use it safely

Adult & Junior Gym
Calling all gym members with children! Would you like to bring along your child to train with you in the gym for free? Our 'Adult and Junior Gym' sessions allow any pre-paid adult to bring a child to the gym with them for free. The reservation must be made by the adult who books the 'Adult and Junior Gym' session with their membership. Juniors do not need to book the session but must be supervised and accompanied by an adult at all times.
Session Days & Times: Saturday & Sunday, 3pm-5pm.
Supervision: Please note that the adult/parent must actively supervise the child at all times and takes responsibility for the child's conduct and safe use of machines. Only children between 11-17yrs are permitted in the session, and it is limited to one child per one supervising adult. If an adult is not supervising the child or the child misuses the gym equipment or misbehaves, both parties may be asked to leave.