Fitness Classes
Senior customers are also able to access all Fitness Classes programmed at The Plumstead Centre. They are available for all levels of ability. The instructors have alternative exercises available for all fitness levels all you need to do is speak to the instructor before the class.
If you are unsure of what class you would like to take part in feel free to pop in and speak to a member of staff who will be able to help
Spaces in classes are limited so booking is essential via the app or on the booking page of the website and with a membership you get 7day advanced booking.

Senior Gym
Get active and enjoy gym workouts in a safe and comfortable environment. Fitness inductions are also a great way for customers to receive a health check assessment and be provided with an exercise training plan for more guided support are included with the Better Health Centre Senior monthly membership.
Coffee Morning
Alongside the The Plumstead Centre Library team our coffee morning allows the centre to come together to meet our customers and also give them the opportunity to be able to share their views and requests and gain the information the require about library sessions or their fitness needs.
Tea, cofffee and biscuits are available along with table games, colouring books and the weekly scrabble game.
No need to book, just pop down and see the team every Wednesday 10am-12pm