Junior Gym
Junior Gym is for 11-17 year olds, and is a supervised session with a qualified member of staff present.
An Induction is compulsory and further guidance is available when required.
Booking is mandatory and session times are available through the App or the website.

Adult and Junior Gym
An adult can bring one 11-17 year old to the gym under his/her supervision at specific times.
The 11-17 year old is the reponsibility of the adult at all times. The session may not have a member of staff present.
Monday 1100-1200, 1200-1300, 1300-1400
Tuesday 1100-1200, 1200-1300
Wednesday - Sunday 1300-1400 & 1400-1500
Pre booking on the App or the website is recommended.

Junior Induction
Junior Gym users must complete an Induction with a member of the team before they can use the gym.
Here they will be show how to safely and effectively use the equipment and have the chance to ask questions.
Junior Classes

Come and try our Junior classes, aimed at 11-17 year olds.
Based in our gym, you will workout in a group environment using the functional gym equipment and weights.
30 minutes of intensive exercises with full instruction and supervision.
Holiday Junior Gym
Holiday Junior Gym times:
Wednesday 20th 1100-1200, 1300-1400, 1530-1615, 1615-1700, 2000- 2100
Thursday 21st 0700-0745, 0745-0830,
Friday 22nd 1100-1200, 1300-1400.
Saturday 23rd **
Sunday 24th **
Monday 25th CLOSED
Tuesday 26th CLOSED
Wednesday 27th 1100-1200, 1300-1400. 1530-1615, 1615-1700.
Thursday 28th 1100-1200, 1300-1400..
Friday 29th 1100-1200, 1300-1400. 1530-1615, 1615-1700.
Saturday 30th **
Sunday 31st **
Monday 1st CLOSED
Tuesday 2nd 1100-1200, 1300-1400, 1530-1615, 1615-1700, 2000- 2100.
Wednesday 3rd 1100-1200, 1300-1400, 1530-1615, 1615-1700, 2000- 2100.
(Thursday 4th - Back to term time programme)