Date posted 13 Mar 2025

With the really incredible uptake on the class timetable recently from members, we have decided to put on 4 more classes to help take pressure of the current waitlists! This means we now have more classes on than this gym has ever had!  

Saturdays have always been an extremely busy day on our timetable, having just one Step and one Legs, Bums and Tums was not enough for everyone to get a chance to join in, a few months ago we added on an earlier step aerobics and it has gone down a treat, but to add to that we have now added a second Legs, Bums and Tums at 11:00am on Saturday, this will hopefully in turn begin to take the pressure off the first Legs, Bums and Tums class, bear in mind you can only book 1 Step and 1 Legs, Bums and Tums on a Saturday.  

Recently Pilates has really started to take off, causing them to be some of the busiest classes on the timetable and to try and cater to that we have added 2 new Pilates classes on in the week, on a Monday afternoon at 12.15pm and a Tuesday morning at 11.30am, again both of these classes will only be solo bookable with the current Pilates on a Monday and yoga on a Tuesday, meaning you do have to pick one time or the other.  

If you are looking for slightly quieter class times, the evenings are a great place to start, we have had a shuffle around of the late evening classes, and there might be something that suites your schedule. On a Monday and a Thursday evening at 8.30pm you have a HIIT class, on a Wednesday at the same time is core conditioning, and on a Tuesday slightly earlier at 8.15pm is Circuit training.  

Be sure to book onto classes within plenty of time to avoid disappointment, and we look forward to seeing you soon!