Last Updated December 2023
General Conditions
One off or Infrequent Bookings
Contract and Regular Bookings
General Conditions
1. Application for the hire of any GLL Better facility must be made on the BOOKING FORM which must be signed by a valid representative of the hiring group or club, or in the case of individual Hirer, by the person who will be paying the hire fee. This person, responsible for payment of all sums due under this contract, is hereafter referred to as the Hirer. This contract is personal to the Hirer, and the Hirer may no assign, novate or share the benefit of this agreement or the rights, interest and benefit under it with any other party. The Hirer may not re-sell the hired space whether or not for a monetary charge.
2. No part of the premises or facility is to be used for any purpose other than the event type set out on the booking form, nor is it to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way.
3. Set up and set down time must be included within your booking time slot on your booking form.
4. The signing of the booking form indicates and confirms the Hirer has read, understood, agreed to and will abide by the terms and conditions of hire set out in this document and any other relevant terms as advised by GLL Better. Online bookings are deemed to be signed by checking "I agree to the terms and conditions of booking" at checkout.
5. An email will be sent shortly after receipt of the completed and signed Booking Form containing the details of your booking and will form the receipt for your payment.
5 a) For bookings at Lincoln Library, Gainsborough Library, Louth Library, Dudley Library, Halesowen Library, Brierley hill Library, Stourbridge Library, Dudley Archives, and Kingswinford Library this will indicate acceptance of the booking subject to due payment(s) being recieved.
5 b) For bookings at Plumstead Library and Greenwich Centre Library this email will not indicate acceptance of the booking, and a further confirmation email will be sent by Library Staff to confirm acceptance of your booking.
6. A booking is not confirmed until as a minimum, the non-refundable deposit of 25% is received and cleared by GLL Better. A Security Deposit may also be required amounting to 10% of the total booking value which will be refunded after the booking less any amounts for damage or losses incurred.
7. In order to confirm the booking the non-refundable deposit must be paid. Full payment must then be made at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the booking (or the first date of a multiple booking) or within 14 days of the date of receipt of invoice, or at the time of booking whoever if the booking is for less than 30 days time. GLL Better reserves the right to cancel the booking, without refund of the deposit, if the full payment is not received on time.
8. Hirers may pay by cheque – please make cheques payable to Greenwich Leisure Limited and write the invoice number on the reverse side of the cheque – which should then be taken or sent to either the address of the GLL Better facility being booked, or to The Finance Department, GLL, The Royal Arsenal, London SE18 6SX. (Please note that we do not issue receipts for payments sent to this address unless a stamped addressed envelope is supplied). Please do not send cash through the post – cash payment will be accepted at the location of your booking only. If you wish to pay by bank transfer please contact the venue to confirm the process.
9. Hirers who fall into arrears will be denied access to the relevant booked Facility and will not be offered any further bookings until the debt is cleared. Debts will be pursued via normal legal channels. Repeated debtors will be denied all future bookings unless paid for in full at the time of booking.
10. Where applicable, the Hirer is responsible for the compliance with the terms and conditions of any licence issued by the local Council or any other body. Any PRS or PPL or other licence payments are the full responsibility of the Hirer and must be made direct to the collecting body.
The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the following safety rules are adhered to. The hirer MUST
11. Not obstruct or allow to be obstructed any Fire Exits
12. Not bring any flammable materials or explosives on to the premises and not use or permit the use of candles or other naked flames without the express written permission of the Library manager.
13. Not use any equipment not expressly included (with or without charge) on the booking form unless the Manager gives his/her express permission so to do.
13 a) For bookings at Plumstead Library, not bring equiptment into the space that is not in good, safe, working conditions and has not been approved by the Library Manager in advance. Large electricals e.g. Heaters, PA Equipment are not permitted, and not remove equipment or furniture from the facility/room unless approved by the Library Manager.
14. Provide sufficient adult supervision where the majority of the people attending are children or people with additional needs. In any case a minimum of 2 responsible adults must be present throughout the booking.
15. Be present, or have present a nominated responsible representative as notified to GLL Better in advance, at the booked activity throughout the period of hire. Such person shall be fully responsible for the preservation of order during the booking, and are responsible for ensuring that room capacity is not exceeded. Should it become clear that capacity is breached the event may be halted.
16. GLL Better shall not in any circumstances accept responsibility or liability in respect of any damage or loss of any property or any items left upon the premises by the Hirer or any other person connected with the hire. GLL Better staff are not authorised to accept responsibility for the safe keeping of any money, goods or equipment. The Hirer must communicate this to all participants. The GLL Better staff may at their discretion temporarily store equipment at a facility at the request of the Hirer but GLL Better shall accept no responsibility for loss, damage or theft of such equipment.
17. Where the Hirer collects, processes and stores personal data from individuals in relation to the Booking, the Hirer is entirely liable for the safety security and appropriate use of that data in full compliance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 1998. GLL Better shall not in any circumstances be liable in respect of any breach of such legislation to that data, however it occurs, or for the loss, damage, theft, corruption of or any interference with, any personal data for which the Hirer is the Data Controller.
18. Not use the booked space to host events that in any way discriminate, deliberately misinform, or may otherwise cause harm. The library reserves the right to halt any event found to contravene this with immediate effect.
19. The Hirer agrees to defray the cost of making good any loss or damage caused to the building, goods, chattels, apparatus or appliances either to GLL Better or of any other persons during the period of, or arising in connection with or as a consequence of this booking. The Hirer is hereby accordingly advised to consider acquiring insurance protection in this respect and if required by GLL Better shall present evidence of suitable insurance.
20. After completion of the booking, the condition of the facility and equipment will be in inspected and any costs of repairs or replacements will be reclaimed by the issue of an invoice to the Hirer which the Hirer agrees to pay within 30 days.
21. Hire of facilities/rooms to individuals under the age of 18 years is not permitted. Hirers found to be under the age of 18 will have their booking cancelled without notice.
22. Hire of facilities/rooms by individuals who have a library or room booking ban is not permitted, hirers found to have a ban will have their booking cancelled without notice.
23 For the benefit of all customers and staff and visitors to the facility, the participants of the booked activity must cooperate with and follow the instructions of the GLL Better staff at all times.
24. Allow yourself and your guests/visitors plenty of time to pass through reception especially at peak times to ensure you are ready to start your booking on time.
25. Out of courtesy to other users, please keep all people associated with your booking clear of the facility until your booking is due to start.
26. Please ensure you vacate the facility/room on time at the end of your booked activity.
27. The Hirer must obtain GLL Better’s express written permission in advance of taking any photographs or video recordings on or inside the GLL Better facility.
28. No smoking or vaping is permitted in the GLL Better facility and the Hirer will ensure all guests or visitors associated with this booking are aware of and will comply with this rule.
29. The facility/room shall be clean and returned to its original condition at the end of the booking time.
30. No animals (other than Assistance Dogs) shall be permitted into the GLL Better facility.
31. GLL Better shall not be liable to any party for any losses damage or expenses arising out of any circumstance beyond its control which may cause the GLL Better facility to be temporarily closed, or the booking to be interrupted delayed or cancelled. No refund in whole or in part shall be due in such an event.
32. GLL Better reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude or refuse admission to the Hirer, (whether that be an individual or a group or club) or any of its visitors or participants from the GLL Better facility or premises immediately and in the future, to cancel any existing future regular bookings without refund, and to refuse any further bookings from the Hirer where in GLL Better’s opinion the Hirer, its visitors, or participants:
- Have an existing library or room booking ban
- Are found to have falsified information in order to obtain a room booking.
- behave in an unacceptable or anti social manner,
- fail to follow reasonable instructions,
- abuse or misuse GLL Better’s facility or equipment,
- use abusive gestures or language to GLL Better’s staff
One-off or infrequent bookings for facility hire
In addition the previous terms and conditions, the following conditions will apply where a booking is a on-off or infrequent booking. One off and infrequent bookings constitute any booking that does not have a contract for extended hire in place.
a) Hire fees are not transferable or refundable other than the provision of credits in relation to the unavailability of the GLL Better facility because of unforeseen circumstance or an emergency.
b) A booking cancelled less than 30 days in advance of the hire date will be payable in full.
c) A booking cancelled more than 30 days in advance of the hire date, where paid for in full, will receive a refund minus the non-refundable deposit amount
d) A short notice booking (less than 30 days in advance) is payable in full at the time of booking. No refund will be due in the event of cancellation by the Hirer.
e) All Parties are, in addition to these terms and conditions, subject to the Birthday Party Conditions of Bookings as provided and it is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that those Conditions are adhered to by all party participants and attendees.
f) In emergencies, assistance will be given by the duty staff using the laid down procedures.
g) It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the GLL Better “Birthday Party Rules” (contained in the Birthday Party Conditions of Bookings) are adhered to at all times.
Contract & regular bookings
a) All Hirers making contract or regular bookings will be supplied at the time of the booking with copies of the GLL Better facility’s Emergency Action Plan. When signing the booking form the Hirer is confirming that he/she has read and understood the Hirer’s obligations and where signing on behalf of a club or organisation, that he/she is authorised so to do, and understands that the club or organisation will be bound by the obligations that are contained therein.
b) When requested, all such Hirers must provide to GLL Better evidence of appropriate public liability insurance.
c) By signing the booking contract Hirers are confirming they understand and accept their entire responsibility for Safeguarding the participants that attend their sessions including having in place specific safeguarding policies and procedures that comply with the requirements of Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015.
d) When requested so to do, the Hirer must provide to GLL Better evidence of the existence and use of these policies and procedures.
e) The Hirer must confirm in writing to GLL the name and contact details of the Hirer’s nominated person who takes the lead role for safeguarding and managing concerns about children and vulnerable adults
f) The Hirer will use its best endeavours to ensure persons employed by or working for the Hirer has the right to work in the UK.
i) Bookings cannot be cancelled or altered once a contract has been agreed.
j) Hire fees are not transferable or refundable other than in the examples given above with regard to credits for unavailability.
k) Contracts for the hire of GLL Better facilities are generally made for a period of 3 months (referred to hereafter as a Period). Where possible, contracts run by calendar months divided into normal calendar quarters as follows: January to March, April to June, July to September, October to December.
l) In special circumstances, the length of hire may be altered by agreement with the GLL Better facility management team.
m) GLL Better may issue a contract at any time pending availability but where possible, the contract renewal will take place in line with the calendar month periods listed above.
n) On entering into the contract, the Hirer agrees to pay for the room or facility at the required day/time for all available slots within the designated Period. The contract will state the actual days of the hire and details should be checked carefully.
o) If the Hirer meets these contract conditions GLL Better will automatically re-offer the facility and time slots for the next Period. However, GLL Better reserves the right to cancel or suspend any contract by giving at least one Period’s notice should the need arise.
p) In general, GLL Better will offer contract renewal at the beginning of the month prior to the contract Period. The Hirer must confirm acceptance of the new contract within TEN DAYS or it will automatically be assumed that the Hirer does not wish to renew.
q) GLL Better reserves the right to cancel or alter a contract at short notice due to closure or part closure for emergency or unforeseen circumstances. Credits will be offered when this occurs.