In a study conducted by Opinium in partnership with the University of Warwick, a poll of over 2,000 UK employers and managers found that 56% of employees had at some point struggled with their mental health. Of these, 80% said it had impacted their work.
The research also found that only a third took time off work for their mental health, stating reasons such as not wanting to admit their problems to their manager, not believing mental health was a valid reason for a sick day, and thinking their employer wouldn’t understand.
Additionally, more than three-quarters of managers believe businesses lack key support and education around mental wellbeing in the workplace, as the research reveals one in five employees with mental health problems worry that telling their employer could jeopardise their career.
It's no wonder then, that speaking about your mental health in the workplace can feel like a tricky subject to broach. Now more than ever though, it’s important to protect your mental health and wellbeing at work, as well as being aware of the things you can do to keep it in check.