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Swimming Pool Temporary Closure Notice
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Date posted 06 Sep 2018

Join us at Better, Energise Leisure Centre and Better, Yearsley Swimming Pool as we celebrate National Fitness Day on Wednesday 26th September.

Better leisure centres across the UK will be running fitness challenges throughout the day for staff and customers to take part in, whilst also raising money for Cancer Research UK.

Events at Better, York Leisure Centres will include:

  • Energise Leisure Centre

Take part in a sponsored cycle (on one of our stationary bikes in reception!), covering a distance of 1,407km from York to St Ives.  The challenge will run between 6pm and 10pm; you can either turn up or call us on 01904 403900 to register a slot.

  • Yearsley Pool

Our rowing challenge will cover a distance of 184km, from York to Carlisle on a rowing machine at the centre.  You can take part beween 7am and 8.30pm and can register your slot by calling 01904 403860 or turn up on the day

We would love to see lots of support on the day, where you will be able to make donations via cash buckets or online.  If you would like to make an online donation to Cancer Research UK, you can do so at any time via the button below.

We look forward to seeing you on the day!