Welwyn Garden City Angling Club heroic efforts
The Bailiff Team are the eyes and ears of the sites, and this also includes checks of the fisheries by way of the Night Bailiff Team.
Most recently the Club have rescued fish that were affected by the flooding. The Bailiff Team and volunteers worked through the night to rescue fish that were trapped in non water way locations, but to also erected fences to prevent any further fish losses.
The Environment Agency, Stanborough Team and Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust would like to once again pass on their thanks to the Bailiff Team and Volunteers for their quick response to the flooding and for the rescuing of the stock and amazing work with the installation of the fences in some really challenging circumstances!
The Angling team also recently came to the rescue of a distressed adolescent signet that had become trapped in fencing. The Bailiff was able to assist in freeing the bird and taking it to a place of safety whilst we awaited wildlife rescue services. Bankside fishermen then ably assisted the wildlife rescuer to collect the bird to be taken off and assessed for injury.
As well as their worthy rescue efforts, The Welwyn Garden City Angling Club strives all year round to improve the lives of others and to protect the natural habitat of the lake and river areas.
The Club has worked with troubled youths, and those who cannot be in education, the sport gives the individuals focus, new skills, and an understanding of the importance of the protection of the environment. They have also supported the HARCO sessions with free angling tuition at Stanborough - The HARCO Team and Gerald, the fishing Balliff, work together to support and understand the sensitive handling of those who wish to reform and rehabilitate their lives.
The Club recognised certain under represented demographics of the Community who had a passion for Angling were not aware of the Club matches. Specific matches were held for the Polish and Romanian community to welcome them to the Club and to enjoy the local fisheries
Volunteer work parties from the Club have created larger swims to accommodate wheelchairs with additional space for the kit required for the additional comfort and needs of their members with disabilities.
The Club hosts also regular Charity matches with entrance fees being donated to a chosen local Charity. Most recently a donation of £400 was given to Isabel Hospice in memory of an Angler who recently passed away.
The Welwyn Garden City Angling Club is more than a club, it is a community that has a passion for the protection of the environment, educates the public of the dangers to the environment; their efforts are greatly valued by their members, the local community and by Better Stanborough Park.