Date posted 02 Mar 2025

On Saturday, March 1st, our Assistant and General Manager, Joe and Stu, proudly teamed up with the dedicated volunteers of Sustainable Didcot to participate in a local community litter pick. The day turned out to be a beautiful one, as the team was greeted with bright sunshine and pleasant weather, which helped keep everyone’s spirits high and motivated throughout the event.

Sustainable Didcot reached out to Didcot Wave to request the use of our centre as both a starting point and a base for the community litter pick. This collaboration not only showcased the spirit of community engagement but also highlighted our commitment to environmental sustainability.

The targeted areas for the litter pick included the immediate residential roads, pathways, and the small green spaces surrounding our centre, all of which contribute to the overall beauty and cleanliness of our local area. Together, the group made an impressive impact, collecting a total of 5 bags of general waste and 4 bags of recycling waste. With a relatively small team, over a relatively short period of time, we believe this is a fantastic result that demonstrates the power of community action. 

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended and contributed their time and effort on Saturday. Your hard work and dedication to keeping our local environment clean and tidy did not go unnoticed. 

For more on what is coming up and available through Sustainable Didcot, please visit their website for more information Dates and locations for future community litter picks can be found here. We look forward to partnering again in the near future, where at all possible.