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Bootcamp Open Days 15th March, 18th March and 20th March
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Date posted 18 Feb 2025

At the end of last year we launched a new way to workout at Clissold Leisure Centre with Elevate Bootcamp. Combining both cardio and strength training, these new fitness classes ensure you stay focused and get the most from your workout.

Elevate Bootcamp is free to book for Better Health UK members, but all customers are welcome, so whether you're a pay as you go or monthly member, book a Bootcamp class today and try more ways to move!

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Better benefits...

If you have a Better Health UK membership you automatically* have inclusive access to book Bootcamp classes to push your limits. Not only that, but your membership also offers a wide range of benefits including Better Extras and a 24/7 Doctor and advice line.

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Elevate your membership

If you'd like to kick-start your fitness journey with our Bootcamp classes and get more for your money, you can upgrade your membership via the My Account and My Memberships section of the Better UK app.

Learn more about memberships

We're here for you

Alternatively you can speak to our team in centre together with your name and membership number and let us know you would like to upgrade your membership to Better Health UK - or contact us by email clissold@gll.org

*Please note: Better Student UK and Better Swim UK memberships do not include
Elevate Bootcamp classes at this time