What is high blood pressure (hypertension)?
You've probably heard of blood pressure, especially in the context of high blood pressure but what does it actually mean?
In a nutshell, blood pressure is the measurement for the pressure of your blood as it moves through your arteries.
When this gets too high, it’s called high blood pressure or hypertension. And this is lead to further implications. In fact, high blood pressure is responsible for 20 percent of heart attacks and 50 percent of strokes.
More than a quarter of people have high blood pressure in the UK, according to the NHS. So it's important to know how to find out your reading and what you can do to keep your blood pressure under control.
There’s no way to know if you’ve got high blood pressure without getting it tested. This means it often goes undiagnosed for a long time. It’s estimated there are 7 million people in the UK who don’t realise they have hypertension. It’s no surprise it’s called the ‘silent killer’.
If you have any concerns about your blood pressure, go and see your GP or visit your local fitness instructor team. If you’re over 40 you may be able to get tested at a pharmacy. You can also buy your own machine if you want to keep track of your blood pressure at home.