Please read the below carefully

  • I understand that activities on/in moving water may expose me to risk and can cause physical injury
  • I accept that the instructor will only be able to assist me if I follow their instructions carefully and that acting outside of their advice may cause me or a third party injuries or difficulties and lead to the activity being stopped
  • I have been asked to remove all personal belongings and jewellery before starting my session. I accept that any items not removed may be lost or damaged during the activity
  • I am sufficiently fit and able to take part in strenuous activity. I have notified the instructor of any medical conditions or illnesses that I am suffering from and have any relevant treatment close to hand
  • I understand that if I’m under 18 years of age I must have a signed Parental Consent Form to participate
  • I understand that I must be the minimum age for the activity booked:
    1. Family Rafting – 8 years old
    2. Hydrospeeding, Hot Dogs and Tubing - 12 years old
    3. White Water Rafting - 12 years old
  • I understand that I must be under the weight of 18 stone to participate in any moving water activities at Lee Valley.
  • I understand that to participate in the activity I will be asked to complete a moving water swim assessment and that I must complete this assessment to the satisfaction of the instructor to participate further in the activity.
  • I understand that all the equipment and PPE I have been supplied with is fit for purpose and will be checked by an instructor prior to the start of the activity
  • I have been given the opportunity to read and I accept the LVWWC Rules and Regulations, Terms and Conditions and water quality information
  • I am not under the influence of any non-prescription drugs or alcohol
  • I am aware that I can choose to stop participating in the activity at any time and will make this clear to the instructor