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Date posted 23 Jan 2023

We are pleased to announce that we are welcoming any expressions of interest to operate the Parkside Pools and Gym Café.

With Parkside being such a central hub for the city of Cambridge we see hundreds of people coming through the doors on a day to day basis. We love that we are able to offer all these people the best possible service we can and having a thriving Café is one of the ways that we can do this.

With a popular and successful Swim School running 4 days a week as well as a weekly programme of 60 fitness classes there’s plenty of opportunity to cater for the community at all times of the day.

The Parkside Pool sand Gym Regular Opening Hours are:

Monday-Friday: 6.30am-10pm

Saturday: 8am-5pm

Sunday: 8am-4pm

Within this our popular swim school runs from 1600-1900 on Tuesday and Thursday as well as 8am-11.30am both days at the weekend meaning that there are always hungry mouths to feed.

The café is already kitted out with high quality catering equipment which would all be available to use such as:

  1. Coffee Machine
  2. Deep Fat Fryers
  3. Combi Oven
  4. Pizza oven
  5. Gas oven & hob
  6. Panini Toaster
  7. Slushy Machine
  8. And much more

 There will also be the opportunity to cater for larger events such as galas hosted by both City of Cambridge Swimming Club and the Cambridge Dive Team which can bring people from across the country to Parkside. These events can bring in thousands of people across the course of a weekend so are a great opportunity for anyone operating the Café.

We are looking for the Caterer to operate a high-quality café and restaurant, trading with an all-day offer in a relaxed but inspirational environment. The Caterer should be able to provide a quality, value for money, affordable service for centre visitors. We are looking for someone who will endeavour to develop the Parkside Pools and Gym Café and Restaurant as a “destination” lunch/meeting venue for the local community.

Should you wish to show your interest for this unique opportunity there’s not long left before the deadline on the 26th February 2023! Anyone who would like to put themselves forward to operate a café in one of Cambridge’s busiest Leisure Centres please contact Steven Rayment on steven.rayment@gll.org