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Date posted 29 Jul 2022

As we all know back in the start of 2020, we all got the message from our Prime Minister Boris Johnson to stay at home, this meant that all the leisure centres across the UK, amongst lots of other businesses had to shut down for this reason. All the Leisure centres were hit very hard financially because of this, there were lots of leisure centres across the UK that had to close because of this global pandemic.

In March 2021, the government announced that they were going to pump £100 Million into supporting the recovery of the leisure centres.

On the back of this, the government also opened up to funding to help centres across the UK go carbon neutral.

From this with work from the Cambridge City Council they received a whopping £1.7 Million in funding to help the two biggest centres in Cambridge go one step closer to becoming carbon neutral.

The works started at the start of 2022, which has included the following

  • Brand new LED lighting installed throughout the whole centre
  • New batch of solar panels installed on the roof
  • Air Source heat pumps installed at the back of the facility

The LED lighting throughout the centre, was installed back in Feb 2022, and they replaced old power hungry bulbs with new and efficient energy saving bulbs.

The new solar panels were installed back in March 2022, and were turned on, on the 22nd of July; this now means that whilst the sun is shining, it is helping to power our leisure centre. Again this means that we are not buying more electricity from the grid, making us all that more sustainable.

We are proud to announce that the air source heat pumps are due to be turned on from the 1st of August, which means that all of the heat from the building and the water will be generated from the air rather than us using gas boilers, and disposing of carbon into the atmosphere.

We would like to thank our partners at the Cambridge City Council for making all of this possible, and we look forward to a cleaner and greener future.