Older People

It is important that everyone is supported to lead more active and healthier lifestyles in Barnet, especially as we age as there are numerous associated health and wellbeing benefits with being physically active. 

Check out the Health and Wellbeing page for guidance on how physically active you should aim to be to benefit your health, and explore the range of health and wellbeing interventions available in Barnet. 

Older People Opportunities

There are several opportunities across Barnet that are suited to older people to enjoy being physically active. To support you locate opportunities we have compiled a downloadable timetable.

You are encouraged to contact the activity provider ahead of attending any session to confirm it is going ahead and suitability.

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Sign up for a FAB Card

A FAB card entitles Barnet residents to a series of sport and physical activity related benefits and discounts. Discover more and sign up.

Active Outdoors

Being active outdoors is a great way to achieve increased physical activity levels. From playing tennis to enjoying an organised or solo walk, the opportunities are endless.

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Active at Home

Don’t let time or cost be a barrier to being active. It’s never been easier to be active from the comfort of your own home.

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Your local Better leisure centre

There are five leisure centres across Barnet that are operated by Better and offer a range of activities and facilities to support residents on their physical activity journey.

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Age UK

Age UK are a specialist older people charity that provide a wealth of information and advice on being active.

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