Health & Wellbeing

From an early age right through to later in life, there are proven benefits to your Health and Wellbeing from being physically active, some of these include:

  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Maintains a healthy weight
  • Improves bone health
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Enjoy spending time with family and friends, and meeting new people
  • Helps maintain ability to perform everyday tasks with ease
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Develops new social skills
  • Reduces risk of a range of diseases, e.g. coronary
  • heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • And many more


Remember, it doesn't matter how you choose to be active; any physical activity is better than none and what's important is that we move more and spend less time sitting still. 

Health and Wellbeing Opportunities

In addition to participating in an activity session (visit our ‘Find an Activity’ page for more information), targeted programmes are also on offer in the borough, designed to help you to lead a healthier lifestyle and improve your wellbeing.

If you would like any information on the targeted programmes please contact us at or contact Healthwise at 0208 457 9910.

Free Online Health Check

Discover how you can live a healthier life with our free online health check. Our free online health check assesses your response to a few simple questions and uses these to tailor a range of personalised tips and advice that will help to improve your health and wellbeing.

Find out more

Healthwise Physical Activity Referral Programme

Healthwise introduces individuals to the benefits of physical activity in order to encourage people of all abilities to become and remain more physically active. The programme has been designed to help participants increase their knowledge, skills, confidence and improve their health and well being, incorporating one to one assessments, behaviour change techniques and individual tailoring of activity plans – all offered through a subsidised membership.

Inclusion criteria

  • Barnet Resident or registered with a GP surgery in Barnet.
  • Over 18 Years Old.
  • Medical condition meets the inclusion criteria.
  • Ready to make a change
  • Physically inactive

GPs, health professionals and social prescribing link workers are all welcome to refer in to the programme providing you have existing risk factors or long term condition that will benefit from becoming more active. 

Speak to your GP today who will be able to refer you.

Adult Weight Management

Adult weight management programmes run for a 12 week period that requires participants to attend a weekly 1 hour nutritional workshop providing access to a range of activities at all Barnet Leisure centres. The programme aims to promote healthy living and an active lifestyle through a subsidised membership.

Do you have a BMI of 30 – 40 or 27.5 – 40 (BAME) and are looking for support to lose weight and become active? GPs, health professionals and self referrals are all welcome to refer in to the programme providing BMI inclusion criteria is met. To check your BMI or you would like more information about how to make a self referral please click below.

Find out your BMI

Self refer

Child Weight Management

XPLORE is a FREE 8 week healthy lifestyle programme for 4-13 year olds, delivered in Better leisure centres across Barnet. The programme, for children and their families, assists children who might be over the healthy weight range to make lifestyle and dietary changes, helping to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Each 8-week programme consists of interactive nutrition workshops and fun physical activity sessions. Sessions run afterschool from 4.00-6.00pm.

GPs, health professionals and self referrals are all welcome to refer into the programme. If you’d like to make a referral, book a spot on the programme or just find out more details of the programme itself please email or alternatively call 020 8457 9907.

Gro Health Adolescent Healthy Lifestyle Service

Gro Health offers a healthy lifestyle service for adolescents aged 13-19 years old (or up to 25 years old with SEND). This programme features nutrition education and physical activity initiatives to promote and instil healthy lifestyle behaviours in young people. To register interest or to make a referral please tap the button below:

Register or make referral

Better Balance

The Better Balance programme is a weekly class where participants will be required to attend over a period of 8 weeks. The class is led by an OTAGO qualified instructor offering a combination of strength and balance exercises that aims to reduce the risk of falling, for individuals that are independently mobile with or without a walking aid.

To compliment the programme, additional activities such as walking, swimming and attending the gym regularly are encouraged to improve your balance, which can be accessed through a subsidised membership.

Speak to your GP today who will be able to refer you.

Cancer Rehab

Healthwise provides a 12 session physical activity programme designed for patients aged 18 years and over, with a cancer diagnosis within 5 years.

Have you received a cancer diagnosis and want to become more active? Speak to your GP today who will be able to refer you.