Community Projects Supported - 48
Awarded in Funding - £368,160.88
We are continually open for new applications
About Us
The Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund is a local fund to support the development of new opportunities for physical health and wellbeing in the Welwyn and Hatfield community. Clubs, individuals, charities, schools and organisations can apply for funding for projects and initiatives aimed to increase participation in sport and physical activity, or improve mental health and wellbeing.
As 2024 came to an end, we were able to look back on another successful year supporting a range of local projects. We were pleased to award a total of £29,563 to 8 well deserved groups and organisations, who are engaging with their local communities and delivering opportunities for people to be active, or take care of their mental and physical health. We look forward to welcoming a new year and new applications.
We continually welcome new applications from people and groups within the community looking to improve the wellbeing and lives of others living in Welwyn Hatfield.
If you have a community project which could benefit from funding, get in touch. We encourage applications from a variety of groups and organisations, so that as many people in our community can have opportunities to be active, try something new, socialise with others and enjoy activities that improve their wellbeing.
Read about the recipients of the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund in the Community Projects section.
Community projects

St John's CofE VA Primary School Digswell
St John's Primary school in Digswell have been awarded funding to help towards a new inclusive play area, suitable for those with SEN. This means all pupils will have the opportunity for outdoor play in a safe and fun environment. The WHCF were pleased to support the extension of physical activity to more pupils and groups using the school now, and in to the future.

Culturewood are bringing an exciting new project to King George Playing Fields in WGC. They will be establishing a community garden, which will be a space for all to enjoy. This will be a long-term project to benefit the community, and we are happy to be contributing some funding to help the initial phase. It will provide lots of volunteering opportunities too, to bring this to life.
Photo from left to right, Cherie Wiper, Jeremy Lake, Community Garden Volunteers, Culturewood lead Tanya Dickson, Chris Andrews, Community Garden Volunteers, Louise Smith

11th Welwyn Garden City Guides
The local Girl Guiding group was in much need of some new equipment, to be able to do some fun activities. These activities also give the girls valuable life skills and social interaction, which we see as very important at this age. The WHCF were keen to support the group, as they also start some new sessions to encourage new members to join. We are sure good times will be had with the new kit.
Photo from left to right; Cherie Wiper, Jeremy Lake, Guide Leader and Girl Guides, Chris Andrews, Louise Smith.

Hertfordshire Boxing Laboratory
We are pleased to be supporting Hertfordshire boxing laboratory, to set up new boxing sessions for young people aged 10-14 years old. This will be a great opportunity for young people to experience the physical and mental health benefits of boxing training, in a safe and social environment. Increasing opportunities for young people to engage in activities, and be a part of a community is vital, and it's great to see projects provide this.

SAS Netball Club
SAS Netball Club wanted to create a new team for under 9's, to provide for the grassroots opportunities for netball in the area. The WHCF contributed towards the start-up costs of the sessions. Once established the team will aim to join tournaments next summer. We look forward to seeing the team grow.
Photo from left to right; Cherie Wiper, Colin Hill, Lisa Hill, Milan Johnston, Jeremy Lake

First Garden City Homes
With some support from the WHCF, First Graden City Homes will be rolling out monthly Young at Herts Social Sessions for older and vunerable adults. The sessions will include dancing, entertainment, conversation, laughter and refreshments! They sound like a lot of fun! These will be held at Woodside House in WGC and Greenfields in Cuffley and will be open to residents and the community.
Photo from left to right; Cherie Wiper, FGCH representative, Sue Williams, Chris Andrews, Matt Perren, Milan Johnston

Herts Young Homeless
The WHCF are pleased to be able to support young people in the Herts Young Homeless, Future Roots Program. The program provides a home to help transition vulnerable young people, aged 18 to 24 years old, from homelessness to independent living. We provided some funding to purchase some exercise equipment for the young people to use, so they can experience the benefits of physical activity on their health and wellbeing, while they stay in the accommodation.
Photo from left to right; Chris Andrews, HYH representative, Sarah Steele, Matt Perren, Cherie Wiper, Milan Johnston

Football for HERts
The latest project to be awarded funding is Football for HERts, who run weekly recreational women's football sessions, for all abilities. These are held at Roe Hill pitches in Hatfield. The WHCF awarded funding towards the initial coats of the project and some equipment. After identifying the need for recreational football sessions for women in the area, the project will provide the opportunity for women to get together and enjoy playing football. The group have already been in involved with the This Girl Can campaign.
Photo from left to right; Jeremy Lake, Milan Johnston, Emily Nicholls, Chris Andrews, Beth Burgess, Louise Smith, Matt Perren, Cherie Wiper.

Isabel Hospice
Isabel Hospice have received some funding to pilot a programme of art based 'No Barriers Here' Workshops. These are an innovative approach to improving advanced care planning and encouraging end-of-life conversations for groups who are traditionally less likely to access hospice services. They will be running workshop in partnership with YMCA Hatfield to support adults who are experiencing homelessness. Art will be used as a way to start conversations and express emotions, to create an open and supportive culture. The WHCF are contributing funding towards the start-up costs of the workshops.
Photo from left to right: Louise Smith, No Barriers Here Project Lead, Emily Nicholls, Phil Jenkins, Milan Johnston, Chris Andrews, Jeremy Lake.

Hatfield Hyde Cricket Club
Hatfield Hyde Cricket club will be developing their clubhouse facilities to help increase participation in women's and disability Cricket. They will be installing women's changing and shower facilities, and an accessible toilet. The club has been developing its presence in Girls and Womens cricket over the last few years and has future aims to have Girls teams in the Herts Junior League. The club has also been accredited as a Disability Champion Club and is hosting County fixtures as well as weekly disability cricket sessions. It's great to see the club become more inclusive and allow wider groups to enjoy cricket, so we are proud to contribute some funding towards the addition of facilities that will enable this.
Photo from left to right: Louise Smith, Chris Andrews, Emily Nicholls, Club chairman Stuart Johnson, Jeremy Lake.

ONE Welwyn Hatfield Community Awards
The Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund was proud to be a sponsor of the first ONE Welwyn Hatfield Community Awards. On the 28th February nominees and representatives from the local council and local organisations were invited to the event at the Campus West in Welwyn Garden City.
There were 13 award categories to highlight organisations and individuals who make a difference in the local community. The WHCF were proud to sponsor the Health & Wellbeing Champion of the Year Award. One of our Trustees, Chris Andrews presented the award to the winner, alongside the Mayor Cllr Pankit Shah. It was an evening to celebrate the achievements of those in our community who play vital roles providing services, support and care, and who invest their time in making Welwyn Hatfield a good place to live for everyone.
Image Left to right: WHCF Trustee Chris Andrews, Representatives from Herts Disability Sport Foundation collecting the award on behalf of the winner Ros Cramp, The Mayor Cllr Pankit Shah

The Polish Saturday School
The Polish Saturday School is the first to be awarded funding in 2024. They will be introducing young people, who attend the school, to some new activities including dance and self-defence. This will increase their opportunities for physical activity each week. The WHCF helped contribute some funding towards these sessions and also a Sports Festival, which will be held by the school. This will be an exciting event to look forward to, for all.
Picture from left to right: Milan Johnston, Jeremy Lake, Louise Smith, Chris Andrews, Head teacher Iwona Pniewska, Anna Skiba, Cherie Wiper, Emily Nicholls, Matt Perren

The Craftroom
The last project of the year to receive funding was The Craftroom, who will be running new half term camps throughout 2024. Building on the HAPy Camp offering in the main school holidays, children will now have more opportunities to benefit from a mix of physical activity and craft based activities, and receive a hot meal, throughout every school holiday. This will particularly benefit low income families receiving free school meals. The first camps will be running in February half term.
Picture from left to right: Chairman, Milan Johnston, Cherie Wiper, Emily Nicholls, Chris Andrews, Matt Perren, Jeremy Lake, Louise Smith, Trustee and Treasurer of the Craftroom, Project lead Sandy Jones.

Templewood Primary School
Having the opportunity to play and be physically active is incredibly important to children’s health, wellbeing and development. This is why Templewood Primary school are installing new play equipment and activity zones to fulfil the children’s needs as the current grounds and lack of equipment is not ideal for promoting play. The WHCF are pleased to be contributing to the project, to ensure children who attend the school, have the opportunity to be physically active on a daily basis. Wider community groups will also benefit from utilising the new facilities. We look forward to seeing the installation complete in the new year.
Picture from left to right: Milan Johnston, Cherie Wiper, Jeremy Lake, Louise Smith, Head teacher Katherine Martindill, Chris Andrews

Hatfield Judo Club
Hatfield Judo Club were in need of new mats for their sessions based at The Hive in Hatfield, to safely carry out sessions and be able to increase the amount of people who can attend. The Fund were happy to contribute towards the purchase of the mats to help with the growth of the club. It is important our local clubs have the resources they need to be able to offer the local community opportunities to be active, social and to learn new skills.
Picture from left to right: Louise Smith, Cherie Wiper, Emily Nicholls, Attila Cseh Head Coach, Assistant coach, Matt Perren, Chris Andrews, Jeremy Lake

Hatfield Judo Club
The new judo mats at Hatfield Judo club have arrived and are now in use. The club is based at The Hive at The Jim McDonald Centre in Hatfield.

CultureWood is passionate about protecting our natural world, and reconnecting communities with nature and local Greenspaces. They are launching a new project, Woodcraft for Wellbeing, based on supporting long term mental health and wellbeing. The sessions are aimed at adults and offer a chance to be a part of a friendly and supportive group. The sessions aim to combat loneliness, improve mental health and enable people to make new friends and access greenspaces. Activities will include physical work and wood crafting alongside using strategies and techniques developed by clinical psychologists to benefit metal health.
Picture from left to right: Cherie Wiper, Emily Nicholls, Chris Andrews, Matt Perren, Louise Smith, Jeremy Lake. Foreground: Milan Johnston and Project lead - Tanya Dickson

Parkside Bowls Club
The most recent group to receive Funding is Parkside Bowls Club. The club are encouraging new members to join the club and are running free come and try bowls sessions through the next few months. The funding will help to purchase new equipment such as new mats and bowls, including Junior bowls and bowls buddy walking frames. The club want to encourage all to enjoy bowls and experience the benefits of taking part in a fun, social activity. We look forward to seeing the club grow.
From left to right: Milan Johnston, Vishal Karia, Members of Parkside Bowls, Colin Jones – Club Secretary, Cherie Wiper

Woodhall Girls Football
Woodhall Community Centre, run by SJOG will be launching a new project based at the centre for local girls to have the opportunity to play football. Girls aged 13-17 years old will be able to attend weekly, coached sessions where they will play football, learn new skills, be active and socialise. The WHCF have contributed funding towards getting the project up and running. With Women’s football becoming increasingly popular, it will be great to see more girls get the chance to get involved with the sport, and maybe we have the next generation of Lionesses right here in Welwyn Hatfield!
Photo left to right: Chris Andrews, Project Lead; Mo Huzair, Emily Nicholls, Vishal Karia, Cherie Wiper, Matt Perren, Milan Johnston.

The Welwyn Hatfield Youth Awards
The Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund was proud to sponsor the second annual Welwyn Hatfield Youth Awards which took place on Thursday 2nd March. Young people from Welwyn Hatfield that had been nominated for awards were invited to the Campus West, alongside representatives from the local council, youth service providers and other VIP’s.
It was an evening to recognise and celebrate the achievements of local young people. There were nominations across 8 categories. Our own Trustees had the privilege of presenting 3 Awards; Young Environmentalist, Young Sportsperson and Young Musician of the year. It was wonderful to hear about the achievements of the winners and the important parts they were playing in both their school and wider communities.
One of our Trustees; Chris Andrews, gave a short presentation about the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund and the projects it has supported. Hopefully hearing about the benefits it has brought to the local community will inspire the next generation to invest their efforts into projects to help people living in Welwyn Hatfield.
Image: WHCF Trustee Chris Andrews introducing the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund at the Youth Awards

Southfield School
Southfield is a primary school for pupils with Learning Difficulties, which include; Autism, Speech Language and Communication Needs, Global Developmental Delay and other conditions. The school have been awarded funding to contribute towards installing sunken trampolines, so children can benefit from activity outdoors, in a safe environment. The trampolines will be used as part of Sensory Integration Therapy which positively impacts children with autism. With access to these at school , the children will experience many other benefits such as strengthening muscles, enhancing coordination, building confidence and just enjoying the freedom of activity. We look forward to seeing these in use soon.
Photo left to right: Head teacher Angela O’Rourke, School Governor Robert Peter Hebden, Emma Reid and Cherie Wiper

Welwyn Wheelers
With the help of the WHCF, Welwyn Wheelers will be able to replace their fleet of bikes to increase participation. The replacement bikes will specifically enable the club to continue to offer its hire service to support grass root cycling and the participation of lower socio-economic groups by offering an affordable alternative to bike purchase. They particularly want to attract new riders to novice and women’s only sessions and support local initiatives, such as the 'This Girl Can' campaign.
Photo left to right: Milan Johnston, Chris Andrews, Louise Smith, Francis Gallacher, Vishal Karia, Jennifer Bone, Cllr Russ Platt and Cherie Wiper

Welwyn Wheelers
The new bike fleet has now arrived and is in use. Welwyn Wheelers are already making good use of them, and increasing their offering with new sessions such as Woman and Girls Track cycling taster sessions.
(Photo left to right: Cherie Wiper, Chris Andrews, Milan Johnston with one of the new bikes)

Herts Disability Sport Foundation
Herts Disability Sport Foundation have secured funding (HDSF), to be able to buy 2 Bell Boats. These 10 seater boats are stable and suitable for people who can’t access any other water sports. Those that will benefit from these are wheelchair users, those with physical and learning disabilities, SEN schools, community groups, and families with a disabled or neurodivergent family member. Purchasing these boats will help HDSF develop their boating activities at Stanborough Lakes, ensuring that more disabled residents can participate and benefit.
Photo left to right: Caz, Ros and Ryan from HDSF, Cllr Russ Platt, Vishal Karia, Chris Andrews, Louise Smith, Cherie Wiper and Milan Johnston

Herts Disability Sports Foundation
The new Bell Boats have arrived! They are now in use by Herts Disability Sports Foundation, who run lots of different activities at Stanborough Lakes. The Bell Boats are a big hit and now more people have the opportunity to take part in a water sport activity.
HDSF held a launch event to name the boats, which was attended by Grant Shapps

U3A Water Colour Painting Group
The WHCF has contributed towards a local group who will be meeting weekly in Welwyn Garden City to spend time water colour painting and socialising. The group is made up of older people and the chance to be out and about doing something they enjoy, is very beneficial for their wellbeing. The WHCF recognises the importance of social inclusion, and how it positively impacts mental health. We are proud to support another initiative with this aim.

This Girl Can
The latest project to gain the support of the WHCF is Birchwood Leisure’s new This Girl Can group exercise classes. These classes are specifically for women and girls, and will be inclusive to all ages by having 3 separate sessions each week. There will be one aimed at girls aged 12-17 years old, one for adult women and a lower impact session combined with social time after, for older women. It is widely recognised that women and girls often are not engaging in regular physical activity due to barriers, or don’t have as many opportunities open to them to do so. This project, aimed at women in Hatfield will open up the chance to get involved in group exercises classes on a regular basis, helping to improve physical and mental health and connect with others, making exercise more enjoyable. The project aims to begin sessions in the new year, we look forward to seeing these grow.
Photo left to right: Louise Smith, Milan Johnston, Cherie Wiper, Emily Nicholls, Vishal Karia, Cllr Terry Mitchinson, Chris Andrews, Project lead; Pawel Medowski, Matt Perren

H'arts In Mind
H’arts in Mind have now launched a new project, opening a community Art Hub in the Galleria. From here they will be running art and craft sessions for a variety of groups, as well as continually displaying community art in their gallery. Most importantly they want to create a safe space, where people can come and meet others, whilst using art and the opportunity to be creative to help with mental wellbeing. The WHCF helped to contribute some art supplies for users, for the planned sessions. It’s great to see H’arts in Mind increasing their positive impact on the local community

Panshanger Primary School PTA
Panshanger Primary School was at risk of losing their swimming pool, as it needed significant repairs. The pool is used throughout the spring and summer months for swimming lessons for students and during the school holidays for the wider community. Once complete the school planned to open up use further, to other groups in the community. Alongside fundraising by the PTA, the WHCF awarded its largest amount of funding to date towards this worthy project. The pool repairs are now complete and the pool is in use. Students will now continue to be able to benefit from learning to swim, an important life skill, and keeping physically active. The WHCF was pleased to be a part of ensuring a vital sport and leisure facility remained for the school and wider community to benefit from for years to come, leaving a legacy of its support.
Photo: Left to right, Gareth Turner Chair of PTA, Cherie Wiper, Matt Perren, Mrs.Holt Head teacher, Samantha Cross, Louise Smith, Chris Andrews, Vishal Karia, Cllr Terry Mitchinson, with pupils of the school

Healthwise is a GP referral scheme, designed to support people in the local community with long-term medical conditions to maintain or improve their quality of life, over a long-term period through physical activity. Already successfully operating in many other local authority areas Healthwise will now be launched in Hatfield following a report which highlighted health inequalities in the area.
The scheme will support public Health Hertfordshire to achieve its priorities including reducing excess weight and obesity, increasing physical activity and helping the older population maintain their health.
After the Covid pandemic and in the current climate, it is more important than ever to have schemes such as this providing an opportunity for people to manage their physical and metal health, especially in more disadvantaged areas of our community.
The WHCF have awarded a contribution to launch the Healthwise project within Hatfield, which will then continue to serve the community long term.

Hatfield House Chamber Music Festival
The Hatfield House Chamber Music Festival will be taking place later this year, to celebrate ‘A World of Music’. The festival aims to bring music to young people who would otherwise have no access to live music and the social, physical and psychological benefits that it brings. As a part Education and Outreach programme of events, music workshops will be delivered to classes in a local primary school, as well as a concert for the whole school. A musician will also visit secondary aged pupils to involve them in playing music. The WHCF has awarded funding to support these school based workshops. Offering more opportunities to become involved in live music will help inspire and encourage our young people, develop personal and social skills alongside musical ones and boost confidence, mental health and well-being.

Danesbury Fernery
Danesbury Fernery can be found within Danesbury Park, a local nature reserve in Welwyn. The Friends of Danesbury Fernery are a group of volunteers who maintain the area, and they have recently been awarded a contribution from the WHCF towards some essential work on the Pulhamite rockwork at the Fernery. This garden is open to all without entry charge and is visited by many throughout the year, from individuals and families, to walking parties and horticultural and gardening societies. It provides a place to relax and regenerate, and access to green space is a vital component in relieving stress and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in our community. Volunteer groups are made up of all ages, from the Scouts to the retired, creating an interest in gardening and improving both physical and mental health. Work will be complete in June and the gardens will be in full bloom.
Photo: Background left to right, Emma Reid, Samantha Cross, Emily Nicholls, Cherie Wiper, Matt Perren, Louise Smith, Chris Andrews, Vishal Karia Foreground, Cllr Terry Mitchinson with Harry Ward and Colin Adlam committee members of the Friends of Danesbury Fernery

North Mymms Cricket Club
North Mymms Cricket Club’s new initiative has received support from the WHCF. The club is setting up new sessions to recruit women and girls, building a pathway to create an U11 team and women’s softball team. The project will increase the provision for girls and women’s sport in the local area, and will encourage participation through the club and local schools. The club have a goal to create teams which will play in wider leagues. As always we greatly support projects with the aim to increase participation in physical activity and especially with groups in the community that are less likely to play a sport, or don’t have the same options. This project is another step to improve this and it is very much welcomed.
Photo: Background left to right, Samantha Cross, Emma Reid, Emily Nicholls, Vishal Karia, Matt Perren, Chris Andrews, Louise Smith, Cherie Wiper Foreground, Cllr Terry Mitchinson, Head coach at North Mymms Cricket Club Jonathan Mather

Chimera Explorer Scout Unit
The Chimera Explorer Scout Unit based at Our Lady Catholic School in Welwyn Garden City has received funding to enable the group to purchase new tents and outdoor equipment for activities and a minibus to be able to transport Scouts, opening up their opportunities. It is also being used to increase the number of places they can offer to local youngsters aged 14-18, to benefit from scouting. The unit provides lots of opportunities for physical activity, skill development and discovering the world! We look forward to seeing more young people get involved, and the equipment and minibus in use throughout the next few months.
Photo: Background left to right, Emily Nicholls, Samantha Cross, Emma Reid, Cherie Wiper, Chris Andrews, Matt Perren, Louise Smith, Vishal Karia Foreground, Cllr Terry Mitchinson, Scout Leader James Shelford

The Woodhall Tea Dance
The Woodhall Tea Dance is the most recent beneficiary of the fund. This is a dancing group run for the over 50’s for members of the local community. Monthly meet ups provide those that attend with the opportunity to get active and socialise. Everyone is welcome whether they are a seasoned dancer, a complete beginner or come for the refreshments and a chat. People who use wheelchairs are catered for, and the organiser will get everyone involved as much as possible. The money awarded by the WHCF will help to grow the Tea Dance over the year ahead and increase the amount of sessions run.

At Mill Green we have helped to fund a project which will transform the clubhouse into a community hub that actively engages and provides for those of our community currently feeling isolated, lonely and inactive. There will be a weekly program of social activities including golf, table tennis, boccia, curling, archery, carpet bowls, board and card games, walking clubs, singing and art sessions. These events will be free of charge and targeted at those in need. The hub will also provide a space for other organisations to utilise such as Music 24, another project we have funded! It will be great to see these all these activities benefitting people once they begin.

Dellcott Family Tennis Club
Dellcott Family Tennis Club have introduced free to play Pickleball sessions to their club in WGC with the help of the WHCF. Pickleball is a low impact racket sport, which is a cross between tennis, badminton and squash and is played on a badminton size court. The project aims to get more senior people active due to its low impact nature and is accessible to people who have not played sport before. The creation of a regular session will help people stay or become active, therefore improving their mental and physical health. Get down there and give it a go!

Forever Young People
This project will support young men aged 16-30 in Hatfield with mental health issues, through a unique programme designed to help them improving their physical and mental wellbeing, including building confidence, independence, health outcomes and social inclusion. The project offers the chance to be a part of a team and accountability group. There will be weekly session combining football training alongside speaking to professionals about any mental health concerns. The project aims to become an integral part of the community and carry out work within the community. The club will provide a space to help young men grow and develop.

North Mymms Youth Project
The North Mymms Youth Project has been running since 2010. The project runs meetings, activities and residential experiences for young people aged 9-16. They have recently been awarded funding for some new equipment, to extend the offering of activities to young people attending the youth project. We will look forward to hearing about the sessions.

Culture Wood
The latest project to be awarded funding is Culture Wood, a forest school project based in the parks around the borough. Residents will be able to enjoy the benefits of activities based outside, and around nature, while focusing on mental health. With the funding they will be able to purchase new equipment for sessions. They will also be running an 8 week course of sessions focused on adults’ mental and physical health, combining well being activities with nature based crafting and wood land management activities.
We look forward to hearing about these sessions once they are up and running.

Hatfield Menshed Bike Project
At the Hatfield Menshed, funding has been awarded for an interesting project combining benefits to users and the wider community. The funding will enable those attending to recycle and fix up unused bikes donated by Hatfield Police; the attendees will learn new skills, working together inter generationally, with a focus for an end product that can be used by them or by others identified as in need in the local community. This will enable freedom and transport as well as the obvious physical exercise benefits and the emotional/mental benefits of being outdoors on a bike. This project will particularly target locals in Hatfield and those with SEN and mental health needs, school refusers, men at risk and those in the refugee community. With its mental, physical and social benefits it will be great to see this project up and running soon.

Music24 provides Dementia services in the local area through music therapy to improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Music 24 has been awarded funding to help them launch a new singing café in Welwyn Hatfield for those over 60. With particular support given to those with more complex needs such as Parkinson’s, those recovering from Stroke, living with MS or COPD or other conditions. The group will provide a fun interactive environment, reducing social isolation and loneliness and improve peoples social support networks.
They also plan to support people with dementia and their carers in their own homes and care homes, providing a music therapy programme for individuals.
These projects will support people to actively engage in music at what ever level they are able to participate at. Singing, dance and movement will help to keep peoples brains and bodies active. We can see the work of Music24 making a real difference to the lives of people living in Welwyn Hatfield.

Digswell Place RDA
We awarded funding to The Digswell Place RDA group for an all weather track so they can provide safe disabled & wheelchair access through their grounds. They will be helping more participants in a different way, by providing non ridden sessions involving fresh air exercise & horse/pony care outside. The safe surface track would also enable us to provide rides through their own land safely & securely. The Group plan to extend their outreach to dementia sufferers. The all weather walkway would also offer a safe route for dementia sufferers who may not be able, or want, to ride to exercise & experience horse & outdoor therapy. The track should be complete soon and we look forward to seeing it in use!

Centenary Woodland Garden
This summer the WHCF contributed funding to the Centenary Woodland Garden. The Garden can be found in the town centre of Welwyn Garden City to celebrate the town’s centenary in 2020. Now the project is complete, the project lead has reflected on the benefits of the garden to the community. ‘The garden greatly enhances the area, bringing a totally new concept which incorporates the existing trees. It is a place where people of all ages can go to enjoy the outdoors, in beautiful surroundings. Walkways and paths are accessible to those in wheelchairs and new benches have been introduced providing an opportunity to sit and take in the peaceful surroundings. It provides a long term benefit for all those who pass the garden en route between the town centre, Campus West, the library and the car park area. A further planting of 45,000 bee friendly bulbs in autumn 2021 completes the overall design and will make a wonderful impact come springtime. To ensure the garden remains sustainable a voluntary group, The Friends of the Woodland Garden, has been established and meet regularly to care for the gardens.’
We look forward to seeing this area as it flourishes in the years ahead, bringing benefits to people’s health and wellbeing.

Herts Boat Rescue
The WHCF have helped to purchase a new boat for Herts Boat Rescue!
The craft is now fully operational with a trained team to helm the craft. Speaking about the new addition to the Herts Boat rescue team, the Chairman has said; ‘’The new craft fulfils all we need for rescue and is fully set up to save lives locally in the event of an emergency or at events we attend”. Already in the last few months the team have used the boat to attend local large scale events, including Race for Life and Pretty Mudder at Stanborough Lakes. Their presence enables events to take place, which provide opportunities for local residents to be active. The new boat will enable them to remain an integral part of the community providing water rescue and teaching water safety

Welwyn St. Mary’s C of E Primary School
Thanks to the generous community funding our playground has been a huge success. Apart from a slight delay on completion everything went to plan. The children absolutely love it and we had our official opening on 6th November and some of your trustees were able to attend.
Every day the equipment is in full use for all three play times. It runs at complete capacity as it is so popular. Additionally class teachers have arranged activities for their classes in PE lessons and as team building sessions. This must impact positively on our pupils' fitness levels and help them maintain a healthy body weight.
As the nights begin to lengthen we will invite the Beavers, Brownies and Cubs to use the area during their meetings as we are sure they will love it too.
Thank you all very much indeed. We are very grateful.
Welwyn St Mary’s to benefit from funding awarded by recently launched Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund
The project headed by the schools head teacher, Mary Westley; will transform the activity and play space used by the schools 430 pupils and will allow them to have at least 3 opportunities a day to use the new space, as well as extra curricular use. This project comes after a long period of planning and fundraising by the school and the school’s PTA and will mark as a great achievement for all involved, once complete.
Matt Perren, Chair of the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund said: “We’re pleased support Welwyn St Marys’ project to transform play and activity space for all their students as a rewarding and worthy cause, especially given their efforts with fundraising themselves”.
The Welwyn and Hatfield Community Fund aims to encourage and develop participation in sport, leisure, and recreational participation of the whole community within Welwyn and Hatfield. Applications are encouraged from community groups, clubs, and organisations to promote participation in any form of activity in order to improve health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.
Robin Loader, former Finesse Leisure chair, said: “This community fund was a key element of the merger of Finesse with GLL and I am delighted it is now launched. It will give real help to support and encourage sport and leisure activities for the future in Welwyn Hatfield”.

Welwyn RFC Rugby Festival
On Wednesday 12th Feb the inaugural Welwyn Hatfield Six nations tag rugby tournament took place at Welwyn rugby club. Glorious sunshine saw the 6 countries represented with the best yr 5 players from throughout the district battling it out for the title.
Teams were created by each secondary school selecting dream teams from the best children in their local primary schools. Organiser Stuart Williams said ''the standard was amazing and it was great to see children from different schools working so well together'' he also praised the standard of refereeing from the Monks' Walk sports leaders who are training with Saracens on an officiating course.
Similar to the current six nations all teams played each other over 5 rounds with some epic battles that left Ireland with the wooden spoon and the top 3 as a bit of a shock...
Scotland 3rd Wales 2nd Italy 1st.
This event followed on from a series of world cup competitions in the autumn and thanks to GLL and the community fund for their support of these events.
Students from St Michael's Woolmer Green who represented Scotland and the might Italy....
Monk's Walk Saracens rugby leaders pick up their awards from Head teacher Kate Smith. Following a training program delivered by Saracens the Rugby leaders completed 10 hours of community leadership and officiating during the Rugby World cup through a series of festivals held at Welwyn RFC. The events that saw over 400 local primary children take part were run by the leaders and a great success. The leaders developed their communication and management skills and refereed very competitive games with great skill and enthusiasm.

Welwyn RFC Rugby Festival
The project headed by Stuart Williams with the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund helping fund, aims to increase awareness and participation in Rugby for both Primary and Secondary School aged pupils. The project plans to achieve this by providing a series of Rugby Festivals to be held at the Welwyn RFC, just in time for the Rugby World Cup.
We are happy to say that a Rugby Festival held by Welwyn RFC went underway with a range of schools taking part and representing different countries. This is great timing with the Rugby World Cup coming to a close, helping more young children be a part in such a great sport.

Give it a try! School rugby initiative boosted by Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund
Give it a try! School rugby initiative boosted by Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund
GLL is pleased to announce that the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund has awarded its first grant to Monks Walk School, Welwyn Garden City.
The project headed by Stuart Williams, aims to increase awareness and participation in Rugby for both Primary and Secondary School aged pupils. The project plans to achieve this by providing a series of Rugby Festivals to be held at the Welwyn RFC, just in time for the Rugby World Cup.
The funding enables sustainable competitive opportunities throughout the year, for children within Welwyn and Hatfield to train and compete, developing a clear pathway for the future of Rugby in the local community.
Matt Perren, Chair of the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund said: “We’re delighted to be able to announce our first awardee of the WHCF with what we hope will be an excellent initiative which will provide immediate and long term benefits to the local area”.
The Welwyn and Hatfield Community Fund aims to encourage and develop participation in sport, leisure, and recreational participation of the whole community within Welwyn and Hatfield. Applications are encouraged from community groups, clubs, and organisations to promote participation in any form of activity in order to improve health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.
Applications are currently being accepted on a grant basis for sums between £250 and £50,000.

Potential kids
Potential kids is a local charity which exists to develop and promote activities which benefit the life skills and educational needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers, siblings and families.
This project will support sporting and physical activities for families in Welwyn/Hatfield. The project will be focusing on encouraging participation in cycling and multi sports activities to benefit the whole family. Each SEND child will have the opportunity to learn to ride a bike confidently and safely. Cycling can bring numerous physical and emotional benefits, and the ability to develop social skills by riding with peers and families. It will also provide the opportunity to learn road safety, enhance observational skills, coordination and concentration whilst being environmentally friendly accessing local open spaces.
We look forward to hearing updates about the project later in the year.

Bushin MMA
Funding was awarded to this local club for the purchase of new protective equipment, to ensure the increased safety of the club members while training.
The equipment allows members to maximise the benefits of martial arts. The senior club trainer has said; “The purchase of the protective equipment has been a great help to the club and will now be an on-going benefit for all members of the club. The members come from all sections of the Community and the juniors particularly benefit by keeping fit and active and out of trouble.”
Having clubs in our community offering opportunities for locals to get involved with activities, brings physical, mental and social benefits.

The Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield Sea Cadets aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, young people learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline and honesty.
The Sea Cadets were awarded funding to help purchase new equipment. By upgrading and adding to their equipment, they can continue to provide a range of different activities from sailing, windsurfing and powerboating to rock climbing, camping, music and more. This will benefit the local community by ensuring there continues to be opportunities and activities for youngsters to get involved with in the local area.

We started running the project mid-November 2019 and promoted heavily via social media, our links with Herts Sports Partnership, at local GP surgeries and by attending Community Navigators meetings.
We have built links with nurses working at the QE2 Hospital in Welwyn Garden City and Lister Hospital in Stevenage, and local cancer support groups. Through this we have received enquires from Lung, Breast and Prostrate Cancer Nurses asking about the service we provide and how to access it, and have been invited by Macmillan Nurses to attend one of Lister Hospital’s Wellbeing Events.
We have also been invited to the Lung Cancer Support Group at Isabel Hospice Day Centre to run an exercise session for patients and nurses. Building a good relationship with the clinicians led us to receiving a NHS email account. This is a massive success for us, it means that Hospital teams can refer patients to us directly via email. We hope this will boost the number of participants, as we found that people are more likely to attend if the referral is made by their healthcare professional.
In January we held the first Coffee Exercise for Cancer Rehabilitation session with patients. We are now working to increase the promotion of this session, as it had such good feedback from both cancer survivors and nursing teams in the East and North Herts Trust.
Once again, we would like to thank you for your support.

Another two successfully funded applicants as the WHCF has now supported its third and fourth projects
Although the WHCF’s newest funded projects have contrasting outputs, they will aspire to reach people from a perspective of mental and physical health as well as sports participation and development with equally powerful outcomes. The healthy living project which will be run by Pawel Medowski out of Birchwood Leisure Centre will engage people into social and exercise sessions as a form of rehabilitation and recovery for the mind and body. Jim Clarke will lead his project as North Mymms Cricket Club’s development officer and aim to maximise the country’s success at the recent world cup and hope to encourage an influx of participants of all ages and abilities in the local area.
Matt Perren, Chair of the Welwyn Hatfield Community Fund said: “We’re excited to support a further two projects with ambitious but important aspirations, we also look forward to seeing the impact on the local communities around Welwyn Hatfield”.
The Welwyn and Hatfield Community Fund aims to encourage and develop participation in sport, leisure, and recreational participation of the whole community within Welwyn and Hatfield. Applications are encouraged from community groups, clubs, and organisations to promote participation in any form of activity in order to improve health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.
Robin Loader, former Finesse Leisure chair, said: “This community fund was a key element of the merger of Finesse with GLL and I am delighted it is now launched. It will give real help to support and encourage sport and leisure activities for the future in Welwyn Hatfield”.
Left image above: Background left to right, Paul underwood, Emily Nicholls, Matt Perren, Steve Heard, Louise smith, Cherie Wiper Foreground, Pawel Medowski – Healthy Living Lead. Chris Andrews,
Right image above: Background left to right, Paul underwood, Emily Nicholls, Matt Perren, Steve Heard, Louise smith, Cherie Wiper Foreground, Chris Andrews, Jim Clarke – Club Development Officer.
Photo above: Background left to right, Steve Heard, Louise Smith, Matt Perren, Chris Andrews, Cherie Wiper Foreground, Cllr Terry Mitchinson, Ben Ashman, Deputy Head at Welwyn St Mary’s
Apply Here
Please download and complete the application form below to be considered for a grant. Bring your completed form in to any Better reception or email to the address below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I apply?
How much can I apply for?
How will we be paid?
How long will I have to wait for an answer to my application?
Once successful, how long will I wait until I receive my payment?
What if my club/organisation is not based in Welwyn Hatfield?
I am operating as an independent coach/instructor running community based sessions. Can I apply for funds?
Can schools apply for funding?
What do I need to include in my application and what do I need to provide?
How will you monitor the awards?
How many times can I apply?
What won’t WHCF fund?
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To find out more or to submit your application please contact us.